Help name my site


Tyrant in Distress
Hello all...this is sort of shameless self-promotion, but I do really need some help here. I have made a metal discography site which is nearing completion ( ignore the lack of content, we're just barely starting to enter the info). Originally I wanted to title it Encyclopedius Metallicus partly in honor of Candlemass' debut CD and partly because it is going to be an encylopedia of metal CDs. I found out, however, that there is an Encyclopedia Metallica in existence, so I don't want to feel like I copied their name. I changed it to Librarius Metallicus, but I'm not sure if I like that title. Does anyone have a good title for my site? It is intended to catalog (or catalogue for you damn Brits and Canucks :) ) all metal releases, past and present. A daunting task, but not an unreachable goal. Anyway, any ideas are welcome. If I use your idea, all I can give you is credit for coming up with it on the home page...I'm not making money from the site.

Alrighty, so we didn't officially launch yet, but the official url ( works. We're still waiting on a logo before we launch "officially". There's over 400 bands in there now, and about 12 guys working on it.

I'd like to recruit some more guys to help build the db, so if anyone here is interested, then either post here, PM me, or email Basically, all you do is enter the data in forms; it's pretty easy, but it does take some time. I'm looking for people who know a lot of bands, especially obscure ones, and who have enough free time to work on it fairly regularly (you know, a couple hours a week or so is enough to add a couple bands, which would be great). People who contribute are recognized on the pages they contribute, but that is it. No money, no free stuff (unless for some reason I start getting CDs in the mail or something, then I'll spread the wealth).

Let me know.
