Hi there people!

Jan 28, 2002
How are you doing?
This is my first post, basically just wanna say thanks to you lot for supporting the band. It's pretty interesting to read the threads here sometimes.
I'm busy working with some new music and it's going pretty good!
Guess you all know about the 2Cd plans....

Well, thanks again + cheers
Mike & Opeth
Cheers man.

Congrats on the engagement and good luck on the new album(s).
That's cool.

(I'd love to see little Åkerfeldts toddling around during a concert)
I'm speechless too...but extremely happy :)
Enjoy your stay, hope to see you more often here ;)
And, like everyone else has already said, good luck with the album :)

:) :)

Great to see you join our little group - even if it's just for a post or two. :)

Anxiously awaiting your next release, as well as a tour near the Boston, MA area (damn - missed you last time!)
Still practicing....:lol:

Sweet. Yes...congrats on the engagement and on your upcoming release. Looks like things are going well for you and that makes me and all the other Opeth nuts happy in return.

Thanks for following your heart as a musician!

Of the tragedies of man,
Lurking in the core of us all.
Quite a coincidence. If I haven't totally mistaken it, Camel's Moonmadness is one of your favourite albums, Mikael. Well, I'm just listening to it right now for the first time. And how come it be that at the very same time I find out that you've started posting here. Nice coincidence if you ask me! :)
:eek: wow:eek:

good luck with the new discs....

btw, is it true that you only rehersed twice before recording BWP? if you're able to produce album of the year with two rehersals, i'd like to see what you could do with three rehersals!:)
We did actually rehearse 3 times for BWP, twice for Still life...it's not really as "amazing" as some seem to think. When you're a band who knows eachother it´'s not that hard really to record.

Thanks for welcoming me to this board, I'll try n check it out more often from now on...

Cheers people
Man, this is bull shit... is this for reall????? :eek: erm... are you... Mikael Åkerfeldt???

Somebody is bored i think... :lol:

If it actually is YOU - Mikael Åkerfeldt then... HEY :) :) :) love your music!
Why are you such jackasses?

First some "suggests" Opeth should rehearse more (DUH), then someone else doubts the authenticity of Mikael.

What can I say... not the nicest way to impress the big man.