
I've never really got into Opeth. I have heard hope leaves, harvest - probably very mellow songs comparing to the most of their songs, and the grand gonjuration from ghost reveries. Well, after hearing theese songs, ok, it's a good band I said to myself. But nothing really amazed me, I was never hooked up with Opeth, and by reading all theese reviews and comments, it seemed to me that they are a bit overrated. I know that most of you must be hardcore fans of Opeth, suggest a few more good songs, and tell a good reason why Opeth is so great as most people think, and I don't doubt it at all,
I suggest you get the album Still Life...then have a coke and a smile and shut the fuck up.....:kickass: :)
Opeth = Boring...I understand you mate, they're good and everything but fucking boring...and yeh try STILL LIFE that's the only album that sounds very fresh for my taste
For me they aren´t boring, although I don´t like all their songs. Sometimes they are too long, but it´s not bad by itself.
The Foreverlorn said:
I'd recommend you "My arms, your hearse"... To me, it's a killer album that covers many different types and is not so "disharmony-based" like much stuff from Still life and stuff...

I agree. MAYH is what REALLY got me into Opeth. It has a dark mood that I don't think any other Opeth album has matched.
the problem with opeth its that theire song are lo alike, and the harsh voice gets annoy after a few songs, not a fan but its a good band compared to other shit, i like a lot the new album though, my favourite its blackwater park
I think Opeth are simply amazing. I first discovered Opeth after buying Brave Murder Day, an album on which Akerfeldt does vocals as I'm sure most would know, and I've been a true fan ever since. I love Morningrise and Orchid and just about everything they do. Opeth is about instrumentation and highly sophisticated song structures....but maybe it isn't for everybody.:headbang:
The Night and The Silent Water from Morningrise album really got me into Opeth because of it's doom-like sound. I really loved the first 2 album. it has those great harmonies, melodies, and ofcourse mikaels stunning growls. I couldn't really like the still life or my arms your hearse albums at first since they were full of open chords and stuff, i thought it was chaos =) Then i realize how original Opeth was and started to adore Still Lİfe and My Arms Your Hearse..=) then blackwater park, deliverance/damnation and ghost reveries.

now I am a big fan of Opeth and gonna see them live at the end of this month (29th) =)
I've already managed to slate them of slightly in my other thread, but I agree boring and overrated, musically the ideas are fantastic, but they never seem to have managed to construct a decent song with any of them.
I don't feel enough sense in their music... "Damnation" is allright, probably, but still there is something missed. Overall it's a good death metal band with a very professional sound, good melodies and great growls, but I can say the same about at least more 20 or 30 bands... I've been to their concerts, I've got some of their albums and DVD, and sometimes I like their music as a background when I do something. Yes, it's a good music. Nothing more, nothing less. They didn't catch my soul anyway.
It seems that I have to check most the previous stuff first and then GR, I'll download a few more songs (mainly those that you've suggested me)*sorry for downloading but I prefer to be sure when I buy and album.I feel that something is missing in their songs, but it's more because I haven't heard many of them and nor any of their albums as a whole album. Technically I think they're great, from what I've heard and a few samples etc.The length of a song doesn't really bothers me as long as it keeps your attention and doesn't get boring. For example porcupine tree has written some songs that are over 12 minutes, but somehow steven's voice is so mesmerizing and the most times in long pt songs while everything is calm and cool the silence breaks and the song goes heavy. How I enjoy that when it happens :D :D.
Opeth aren't "amazing" or anything, and they are overrated in my opinion.
But their second album Morningrise is one of my favourite albums of all time. It's a masterpiece, and all the other albums are plain boring compared to Morningrise, except for Orchid, which is quite good too.

Anyway, I'll probably be slaughtered for my opinions, but I have all the albums so I do know what I'm talking about.
Tone-Deaf said:
For example porcupine tree has written some songs that are over 12 minutes, but somehow steven's voice is so mesmerizing and the most times in long pt songs while everything is calm and cool the silence breaks and the song goes heavy.

i suppose you're speaking of "arriving somewhere (but not here)" ;) this song never seemed to me like 12 minutes because it's so exciting!!