Hoping to go PRO(semi) :P


Aug 8, 2012
Okay so i've been using Vsts for a while now and im just sick of it. How it creates artificial sounds and shit. I mean sure few amp simulators actually sound good (X50) but at the end of the day i dont get that feel that im progressing a bit. So im thinking of upgrading a bit. I now have a lil bit over 200$ in my pocket. Now i know this is a lot to ask for but could you guys recommend anything which can make my guitars sound decent and which is in 200$ price range. I checked amps and good amps are like what 1000 bucks :cry:
I also gave a search for pre amps.. Engl E530 seems legit but its way out of my price range. so your help will be appreciated :)

rock on
You could check out a used ADA MP-1 preamp. They're quite a bit more affordable than the E530.

You still run into the problem of having to use impulses, though you could expand your rig later with a power amp and cab.
Buying stuff to make yourself feel like you're progressing is a bad habit, man. Trust me. You're better off either getting better at using VSTs or saving up for something better like a HD Pro/Axe FX or a decent amp. A lot of guys here are great with using VSTs for guitar sounds, though. Widek, for example, gets awesome tones with X50 and whatever else he uses. The only thing that can make your guitar sounds decent is you.
Give it time and have patience. I listen back to recordings I made like 4-5 years ago using amp sims and they sound like garbage compared to the tones I'm getting now.
I guess you could buy some coke, then anything you do would seem halfway awesome or productive...

Time and patience is what you need. As mentioned already... well twistedrock said it best.
I love widek's productions and they stand as a beacon of hope for those that handle most everything ITB, and acknowledge in some way or another that they fall short in their work. You start to make a few discoveries at least. I'm assuming that once you've reached a certain point, you would at least understand why you would make a purchase on the grounds of increasing the quality of your productions.