how did you get to know opeth?

Sep 2, 2001
my friend send me face of menlinda, the first listen i like it alot. i check out their songs, it's teh first time i listen to growling vocals, it bother me alittle, but i didn't feel it satanic or wierd or anything. so basicly i keep listening to them ocassionaly unitl 3 month later i got use to it and start getting into european stuff. ok so that was kinda boring, but i remember how fun it was listening to opeth everyday all time. i don't think i can sit down and listen to a 14minutes song anymore. too lazy
Strangely, I owe it all to Pieguy and those guys. they talked about them, so I went and bought the only one I could find in town, BlackWater Park.
it all started with a zip drive that i gave to my friend so that he could give me some MP3 files. Out of the whole bunch, there were 2 of them that just read "December Flower" and "Behind Space 99". I give them a play, and I love them. I noticed that on the ID3 tag the band name read "In Flames". So I checked em out on napster, and thanks to them, i got into death metal. Now the nice thing about Death Metal is that if you discover one band, its a domino effect, and then you start hearing other band names like Children of Bodom, Dark Tranquility, and hence, Opeth. Decided to download a couple of their songs, and there is how i discovered Opeth. God bless In Flames, and the Zip Drive.
I had read alot of good things about them on one brilliant day I saw Blackwater Park in the store and brought it immediately,without even listening to it first...I had heard Demon of the Fall a few months beforehand...But it was extremely bad quality..
One of my friends non-stop babbled about them, I had enough of it and went to buy Morningrise from the local record store :p And I am forever thankful to him :headbang:
I too first didn't like what I heard, 'cause it was so new to me, I had never heard anything like that, but when I listened Morningrise over and over again, I fell in love with it :)
hm. the night 'tween 2000-01-01 - 2000-01-02 still life was spinning on repeat on a stereo in a room where I lied and cuddled with a girl =) Her fault! It actually has a sentimental vallue to since she's one of three ppl I've been in love with.
Well I have kind of an interesting story of how I first got into Opeth. Basically I was in a music store and was looking around and I see this CD that looks gloomy and dark. It's the Morningrise CD by Opeth. I say to myself...the cover looks really cool and I decided to buy it. The rest is history. So I guess I got into Opeth because I liked the cover of the CD so much.
my friend got me into opeth, he burned me blackwater park. i didn't listen to a lot of music with growls before that, but now i've grown to like growls, thanks to opeth.
i accidently downloaded When and Demon of the fall mp3s...i don;'t remember how i got them, but i loved it so much i decided to listen to their CD in the cd store and bought it (BWP that is, it was the only one they had) then one by one i bought the others too, i had to search a bit in online shops, couldnt find them in local shops...ending with Morningrise

Originally posted by bleedingskeptic
but now i've grown to like growls, thanks to opeth.

yea me too, before, i used to think that "it takes no skill", as opposed to normal singing......i still think it takes less skill, but i can appreciate it now, when done right ;) (Mikael for example...and i like Ihsahn from emperor's growl-ish voice on prometheus)

(tho i wish that singer from inflames would stfu more often ;) - worst growl i heard so far)

I discovered Opeth through the song "Nectar", wich appeared on a Century Media compilation Cd called Firestarter. It was one very good cd, with Arcturus, Borknagar, Tiamat, Ulver, Einhejer, and lots more. (18 songs)
Although we've all said these innumerable times before.. I feel drawn.

I read about Opeth on the Candlelight records website (I was trying in vain to get someone to convert the Peccatum .aiff files into a PC format at the time..) The description was all but raving about them.. so when I saw MAYH in a St. Louis record store, I gave it a cursory listen. I purchased it and never looked back. :D

Prior to that, I'd fallen away from most non-metal music, and I'm glad that Opeth sort-of rebroadened my horizons.

Thank you, Opeth!

(and Jebus)
hmm...old thread but here go's.

A friend played Orchid to me a long time ago...Under the Weeping Moon in fact. Was hooked. It was definately the best music, let alone metal I'd ever heard.