How do you plan to become/remain profitable in the age of Piracy?

I plan on releasing my own material and arranging for distribution myself NECRO style. Sure people keep downloading but, he makes waay more profit per unit than brittany spears!
and he bitches at pirates in his tunes "quit downloadin my shit and buy a fuckin CD" hahah I love necro, and the fact that he makes money off the sick ass shit he passes off as music!
Can you be a bit more detailed about "I think a bit differently of him?"

I hear some undertone of an innuendo there. actually I appreciate it when someone corrects my grammar in a friendly way, everybody makes mistakes and ultimately I wanna improve my language skills whatever language I'm currently (ab)using :D

I'm not sure if I feel quite comfy if people start to think different because of my human inability to speak everything perfect. if we're talking about extremes here, like people who can't speak or write one sentence without doing a bunch of mistakes, then we would probably have a serious communication problem which could lead to a whole lot of misunderstandings...

Did you mean that or something else?

Don't take my comments as assumptions that poor english = uneducated. I've spent enough time in foreign countries (lived in Germany, even!) to know that someones inability to express them self in any language has nothing to do with how smart they are.

What I'm referring more to is when I hear native speakers butchering the language. To take it to the extreme, when you hear some redneck saying "I done git'r there to tha mall store with all them fancy folk," you automatically make an assumption, and probably a decently accurate one, of that persons level of intelligence and sophistication.
My English sucks, but can't believe how many people from UK and USA type "your" instead of "you're" and type the word in plural instead of possessive pronoun form.
2 years ago, I created a project named EL RENO RENARDO (Renardo The Reindeer, in english). It is baptised as Freak Metal. Lyrics are humoristics and stupid but with a message. (half of the songs, are covers of wellknown songs but with altered lyrics). Similar to Spinal Tap but in Spanish.
I uploaded the albums so everybody can download them free.
EL RENO RENARDO has become a mass entertainment in spain, got tons of interviews in radiostations, magazines, 200.000 downloads of each album, videos with almost 1.000.000 views in Youtube, everybody knows El Reno Renardo, and WITH NO PROMOTION at all!! Only mouth to mouth on internet.
I earned thousands of euros in donations via Paypal and selling t-shirts.
After this success i'm recruiting other musicians to play on stage as many promoters are interested in the band. $$$$$$$$

After playing many years in serious bands, this stupidity has been my biggest success. That was my plan to remain profitable in the age of piracy.
Don't take my comments as assumptions that poor english = uneducated. I've spent enough time in foreign countries (lived in Germany, even!) to know that someones inability to express them self in any language has nothing to do with how smart they are.

Ha! Had to :saint:

Seriously, though, I agree with you.

And as far as being profitable in the age of piracy, I think there will always be demand for quality production, regardless of the way people get their music.
AH, but in this case, you're wrong Shadow - "someone's" is the contraction of "someone is" (e.g. "someone's rapin' my chickens!"), kinda like "its" being possessive and "it's" being the contraction. :D
AH, but in this case, you're wrong Shadow - "someone's" is the contraction of "someone is" (e.g. "someone's rapin' my chickens!"), kinda like "its" being possessive and "it's" being the contraction. :D

It's called the genitive case and it employs 's to indicate possesion.

When we want to show that something belongs to somebody or something, we usually add 's to a singular noun and an apostrophe ' to a plural noun, for example:

the boy's ball (one boy)
the boys' ball (two or more boys)
I know what the genitive case and possession is, but I'm saying that in this case, the genitive form is "someones" (because as I mentioned, if you were to write "someone's," that means "someone is") - just like "its," as I already mentioned
No, it won't. It would simply mean the inability of someone. Someones is the plural of "someone".

Check the example I gave you from the first site on english grammar I stumbled upon on google. It's not "the boys ball". Similarly it's not "someones".

You can google "someones" and you'll only see it written like that in youtube and similar sites ;)
Ok, how would you make a contraction of "someone is?"

I'll answer for you - "someone's." Thus, "someone's" can't both be the contraction of "someone is" AND the possessive of "someone." And so (for the third time), like "it's" (which means "it is"), "its" (without the apostrophe) is the possessive form, and the same with "someone."
screw the present perfect tense and all your dangling participles... this is metal site!!! lets get back to discussing guns and porn :kickass:
Thus, "someone's" can't both be the contraction of "someone is" AND the possessive of "someone."

That's where you are wrong and I don't know if this is an american thing. For English I can guarantee you the two are expressed the same way and you need context to decide which is the appropriate one.
Yup, actually, I just checked with my all-knowing mother (she's an editor by profession), and while it should be like "it's" and "its," it isn't. So at least my logic was sound, but unfortunately the same can't be said for the English language! I yield to you sir :)
Ok, because I was just about to post this
Most possessive pronouns with a final /s/ or /z/ sound, including phrases that function as possessives, also have an apostrophe:
one's, anyone's, someone's
everybody's, nobody's
another's, the other's (the others', where other is plural), each other's
somebody else's
Possessive pronouns without a final /s/ or /z/ sound have no apostrophe:
your friends, their concerns

Cheers :kickass: and maybe someone should clean up our OT :saint:
Two chicks, yes two that I went to high school with were in porn at some point. Not sure if they are anymore. Unreal and surreal!
