How Joey Sturgis came to be.

Feb 18, 2011
This is just something I've always kind of wondered. I was like 16 when Prada's Demo came out and completely fell in love with it because it pretty much introduced me to hardcore music. anyways i found out that joey sturgis recorded them and then more and more bands from Rise records were getting recordings done by joey every album sounding better than the last. I was recording my old band on a Tascam 8 Track at the time and aspired to be an audio engineer. Lmao this was when myspace was cool an i had a pic of joey under the "people i'd like to meet" section (fanboy haha). anyways, what im coming down to is, i know joeys been a very successful engineer and he's got a damn studio in his house, not to mention is remodeling it right now from what i've heard. From what i've read in interviews joey's been doing this like non stop for years and i doubt theres anytime for an extra job in there so obviously he's doing really well and he's only what like 25 or something?. Here's a question for joey.
In the time you were becoming the engineer you are today, what was your way of always advancing your sound? did you just experiment with new things and your gear, read manuals and rights and wrongs, learned from others or perhaps a tutor? and you must've just kept buying new gear with whatever money you made off the last album yes?
and also a question for anyone else.
From what i've heard at my college a lot of my professors say that being a newcoming audio engineer these days is not a very good paying job and usually they end up needing a side job to support themselves or their family. Has anyone actually made a living recording music that hasn't hit the billboard?