How you got into the band?


Master of Disaster
Staff member
Nov 24, 2002
For me was the cover of 'Ides Of March/Purgatory' on the "A Call To Irons" tribute. It is so well done, with such quality and passion and drove me into a search for the band. Around ther same time "Dark Hallucinations" was released.

I was so hooked with the NB debut that I look for the band like crazy, finally through their older website I found the contact and Steve himself very gaciously show me the direction to their earlier material. :D
Well, I got into Steel Prophet only about a year ago... they were supossed to play "LA Gates of Metal" which is a one day festival in California... sadly they had to cancel their performance as Steve had injured his finger and could not play, but he was there at the festival anyway and I had the chance to talk to him... actually I had no idea who he was until he told me he was supossed to play and so I asked "oh yeah what band"? :tickled: and he told me SP... I said "Oh, I have been meaning to check you guys out for a long time and never got around to it.. and I was excited to hear that you would be playing this fest" but of course that didn't happen... at any rate I ended up buying "Dark Hallucinations" within a week... loved it and emailed him to let him know how much I had enjoyed the disc... he told me I should get the whole catalogue :Smug: hahaha, which of course I did... and that is how I became a fan :) :headbang:
In 1999 I read a review in Aardschok magazine. Its was not even that positive but the references they named made me want to check out the album. I am glad I did!
:OMG: 1983 on a bus ;-) this guy with LONG black curly hair carrying a guitar and I got off at the same stop. Not long after that first meeting, I was given a tape, the original demo tape. Been there ever since.
prophetgoddess said:
:OMG: 1983 on a bus ;-) this guy with LONG black curly hair carrying a guitar and I got off at the same stop. Not long after that first meeting, I was given a tape, the original demo tape. Been there ever since.

That's DEFO an oldschool story :headbang:
stevekachinsky said:
I started the band; that's how I discovered Steel Prophet... Glad I did too, otherwise this forum would be kind of pointless... Excuse the humor (or lack).

:loco: fascinating!
stevekachinsky said:
I started the band; that's how I discovered Steel Prophet... Glad I did too, otherwise this forum would be kind of pointless... Excuse the humor (or lack).

Actually I do believe is a great answer Steve :D
Well let's see..............I found an article in some local newspaper, can't recall what it was, and sent away for the Demo. LOVED what I heard, and got in touch with Steve through snail mail, and we became long time, ahem, friends. I used to go to Middletown all the time to hear them play, and sometimes Hartford. I've known Steve for 20 years now, man, does that sound like we're old!!! But, not only is the band an awesome one, you can't find better souls than Steve, however odd the man is. hehe I've always been proud of the band as a whole, but even more so ,Steve.
SugarNspice said:
Well let's see..............I found an article in some local newspaper, can't recall what it was, and sent away for the Demo. LOVED what I heard, and got in touch with Steve through snail mail, and we became long time, ahem, friends. I used to go to Middletown all the time to hear them play, and sometimes Hartford. I've known Steve for 20 years now, man, does that sound like we're old!!! But, not only is the band an awesome one, you can't find better souls than Steve, however odd the man is. hehe I've always been proud of the band as a whole, but even more so ,Steve.

For the record, I have NO idea who this woman is... Why don't you wheel your shopping cart over to the FLOCK OF SEAGULLS forum just down the road maam? ;)
Hey thanks for joining up SzQ. Is it twenty freaking years already?! Yeah, that's right. I remember you were my first baby sitter... You'll always have a place in my heart nanny dear! LOL
stevekachinsky said:
For the record, I have NO idea who this woman is... Why don't you wheel your shopping cart over to the FLOCK OF SEAGULLS forum just down the road maam? ;)
Hey thanks for joining up SzQ. Is it twenty freaking years already?! Yeah, that's right. I remember you were my first baby sitter... You'll always have a place in my heart nanny dear! LOL

Steve, you got me with that flock of seagulls comment. Oh man, was that a good one. Tough crowd, sheesh, I sign up and I get grief!!!!

And yes, twenty flippin whooptee doo dah years there my little boom boom boy. Just for the record, I was not the mans babysitter. I was a few things but that I was not. And don't push me buster, don't make me spill the beans on you.

Sorry I have no time to write, I have to pull up my support hose, and check out the new Duran Duran Site that I hear is hopping. Bet they'll be nice to me... hee hee

For all those reading, Steve was my first science project. I had to bring him home from school, and feed him, and change him so I could see what it would be like to have a geriatric patient on my hands to decide if I wanted to get into nursing school. Needless to say, I am not a nurse. To this day, flip flops and socks send me over the edge, and I have an aversion to jello. Thanks alot STEVE-O!!!!!!
You guys crack me up :lol: . Nice to see such a friendship over the years. Cheers!!!
SugarNspice said:
Steve, you got me with that flock of seagulls comment. Oh man, was that a good one. Tough crowd, sheesh, I sign up and I get grief!!!!

And yes, twenty flippin whooptee doo dah years there my little boom boom boy. Just for the record, I was not the mans babysitter. I was a few things but that I was not. And don't push me buster, don't make me spill the beans on you.

Sorry I have no time to write, I have to pull up my support hose, and check out the new Duran Duran Site that I hear is hopping. Bet they'll be nice to me... hee hee

For all those reading, Steve was my first science project. I had to bring him home from school, and feed him, and change him so I could see what it would be like to have a geriatric patient on my hands to decide if I wanted to get into nursing school. Needless to say, I am not a nurse. To this day, flip flops and socks send me over the edge, and I have an aversion to jello. Thanks alot STEVE-O!!!!!!

Man, you got me cracking up with that stuff Suze! You certainly can dish it out... Anyway, I will now admit who Sugar N' Spice is to me: She's my Father, Luke... (I guess you have to have seen Star Wars for that one). Keep it coming Sue.
stevekachinsky said:
Man, you got me cracking up with that stuff Suze! You certainly can dish it out... Anyway, I will now admit who Sugar N' Spice is to me: She's my Father, Luke... (I guess you have to have seen Star Wars for that one). Keep it coming Sue.

Or Tommy Boy, when Chris Farley is talking into the fan, and it sounds all distored.....ok, never mind. And look who's talking about dishing babycakes. Sheesh. all my life, nag nag nag from you.......You didn't MOVE to California by free will, I sent ya packing!!!! And ya still harrass me!!!!! = )

It's the a.m. for me right now, and I am a little tired.....gotta get some caffeine flowing......xo
Wyvern said:
You guys crack me up :lol: . Nice to see such a friendship over the years. Cheers!!!

Hey you, Steve and I are good buds, heavy talks, lighthearted talks, bustin each other, fond memories, I have always had a special spot for Steve (scratchy little area, almost annoying), but don't tell him that. = ) Regardless of his music, which is awesome, he's one of my fave people.
Cheers to you too! *clink* I am not always online, so my writing may be sporadic throughout the week, but I'll always post when I can! Some weeks are busier than others...
Like Hawk I read interesting things about Dark Hallucinations when it came out, it sounded right my alley, so I bought the record and at first listen... "wow, I'm gonna like this band" :headbang:
Some years ago a friend of mine dragged me to this gig of a band I hadn't heard of before.
She introduced me to Steve with the nice words "Hi Steve, this is ... and she doesn't like guys with short hair". I thought that wasn't really a nice thing to say to a guy who cut off his (beautiful!) long hair, so to make it up to him I bought some SP CDs. :Spin:

Ok, ok, I already decided to buy their Cds while they were playing that night...