
Oct 22, 2002
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Tuomas Holopainen of Nightwish also spent 9 months playing clarinet in the Finnish Army. Service is mandatory for all men in finland, and he figured that was the easiest way to pass the time...he has never touched the clarinet since.

Tuomas Holopainen, as well as Emmpu and Jukka were in the finnish army for about 9 months. Tuomas hated it but spent most of the time playing trumpet (I think) in the army band.

Marco got out of the traditional finnish stint of being in the army by going to the doctors and saying his mind couldn't deal with it.

Huh Mandatory for all men in Finland? So when are the Bodom guys gonna go? Or did they go already? :tickled:

And yeah pretty useless thread, so it can be deleted after I get my answer...
Angels don't kill said:
whaha that's fucked up. I can't emagine tuomas in the army

and do they have to shave there heads as well that would suck.
a bald alexi :p

hmmm spare me the thoughts of it

That along with a bunch of other things came to my head when I read about the army thing. Hence that's why I wrote this thread.
famous people don't have to obey the law.
or maybe that's just america?
Alexi used to suffer from severe depression, he even attempted suicide once. He used to cut himself very bad too.

You do the math...;)
if you'd border with Russia you'd have mandatory military service in America too :loco:
Angels don't kill said:
whaha that's fucked up. I can't emagine tuomas in the army

and do they have to shave there heads as well that would suck.
a bald alexi :p

hmmm spare me the thoughts of it

Yep, it's mandatory here in Finland, but you can also go on non-military service. While military service is 6, 9 or 12 months (9 normally, 12 for officers), non-military service is always 12 months. You have to shave your heads in military service, but off course not in non-military. I guess Alexi and other Bodom guys have taken the non-military then :)
Pohjatuuli said:
Yep, it's mandatory here in Finland, but you can also go on non-military service. While military service is 6, 9 or 12 months (9 normally, 12 for officers), non-military service is always 12 months. You have to shave your heads in military service, but off course not in non-military. I guess Alexi and other Bodom guys have taken the non-military then :)

So what do you do in the non-military service?
Pohjatuuli said:
9 normally

That's 6. It's 9 for example for MP's and medics.
Pohjatuuli said:
non-military service is always 12 months.

That's 13 actually.
Pohjatuuli said:
I guess Alexi and other Bodom guys have taken the non-military then :)

No, they haven't done their service yet. I'm not sure about Roope but anyways. And if the other guys can somehow make excuses not to do any service before they turn 29 years, they won't have to do it at all.