Hurricane Ivan.....

How many more Hurricanes can us Floridians handle right now.... I was worried that Hurricane Frances was going to threaten my trip to PPV but, all is well and the home not damaged (after 2 storms) but now this new (and 3rd straight) Hurricane has a potentional to ruin my trip.... So if anybody seeking a last minute GoldBadge , I may be forced to sell.... :puke: But hopefully not....

I really dont want to miss that Savatage and Edguy shows....
Ivan the Terrible is also worrying me. I live in Tampa and there's no telling where that thing is really going to come right now. It should be past us in time to head up for PP, but who knows what it could possibly due to Florida before next Thursday. And it's a Cat 5 now too. :erk:
They just ordered a total evacuation of the Keys this morning.....

Man, and I thought 27 hours without power from Frances was bad....

I am getting really worried about this monster.... this is real bad.....

(not to mention the possibility of totally fucking up my Prog Power plans.... :yell: )
Lets hope that Ivan skips FL and also GA for next week. I don't wanna have the surprise of canceling my trip two days before the show. Also, I don't wanna see thousands of people (if not millions) suffering again from this bad hurricane season...

Once again, my prayers and thoughts are with everyone from that area...
It's still kinda early but the projected path right now has Ivan hitting land early next week. I was just wondering if this thing causes a lot of rain in Georgia and flights have to be cancelled are there any precautions being taken? I know that a lot of us are flying into Atlanta. I'm supposed to be flying up Thursday, but if Atlanta flights are being cancelled then will this have an impact on the show?

Thanks in advance.
robbie said:
It's still kinda early but the projected path right now has Ivan hitting land early next week. I was just wondering if this thing causes a lot of rain in Georgia and flights have to be cancelled are there any precautions being taken? I know that a lot of us are flying into Atlanta. I'm supposed to be flying up Thursday, but if Atlanta flights are being cancelled then will this have an impact on the show?

Thanks in advance.

I kind of wondered the same thing...

Of course my thoughts are out to those who are in the storms. My friend flew in from FL to Minnesota last night. They've got some water damage... but are ok.


I hope everyone is safe!

Ivan is still too far out to know where it will go. If it hits us here in FL. it will most likely not be Cat 5 strength, after going over Jamaca and Cuba, but will still be, probably, Cat 3. My wife & I have been very fortunate with the other 2 'canes and have had no damage or power outages. Let's hope this one turns and misses us.
Tomorrow I'm traveling to Miami and stay there a couple of days and after that I'm going to be in Orlando, I WILL GET TO GEORGIa NO MATTER WHAT!!!!!! EVEN IF THAT MEANS DRIVING THROUGH IVAN!!!!!!!!!
... if Ivan rumbles through Atlanta Wednesday and screws up flights, forget the fans, what happens with the BANDS coming in?

Three days of the PP stage crew jamming Freebird because nobody was able to show will result in a riot. :)

Anyway, it better give the Orlando area a miss because I AM SICK AND TIRED OF WATCHING 24 HOUR HURRICANE COVERAGE ON MY MOTHER'S LITTLE B/W BATTERY OPERATED TV BECAUSE THE POWER IS OUT AND THERE IS SHIT ELSE TO DO. dad is in Port power for 12 days after Charley. Thought he'd leave for Frances, but stayed.....I suspect, I'll be seeing him up here if Ivan hits the west coast. Sick season this year.
ThXinc said:
This bastard will probably be raining on our parade in ATlanta! :(
It rained like a mofo at the first PPUSA up near Chicago, & it did rain some once since it's been in long as we can all get there, we'll be fine (and some folks will have legit reasons for wandering off to find their umbrellas :lol: ).
That's what has me worried.....getting there. I'm flying in on Wednesday and that's just about when it will be there. :erk:

How is that gonna work? How bad does the storm still need to be before they won't let planes into Atlanta. If it goes down to a tropical depression will they still fly in? A Cat 1 hurricane? I know that the storm will calm down alot by the time it hits Atlanta but not being from an area that has hurricanes, I don't know by how much.

I'm even thinking about moving my flight to Tuesday to get in before it hits.....

Once we are all there, safe and sound, let it rain.

Good wishes to all the Florida peeps. What a rough month it's been. Stay safe ya'll.