i have strep throat

i recommend opiate drugs dude, seriously. everyone i know that had strep (even kids who didnt do drugs) hunted down some pills, it really makes the experience less shitty.
@max: would if i could. i told the doc i didn't sleep at all last night but he still didn't give me any painkillers, only something for the swelling and told me to take tylenol. pfft. i want meds dammit gimme gimme pills.
ya they have me on some heavy duty oral steroid shit for the inflammation for the next few days and i'm taking acitomenophen for the pain/fever...the shittiest part, aside from the sensation that hundreds of tiny demons are jackhammering on my tonsils, is that i have to take my antibiotics 4x a day for two weeks. man that shit is hard to remember.
oi! :p

yea i really dislike taking antibiotics just because they're so over-prescribed, not long now till the uber-resistant bacterial plague wipes out a third of humanity. or the next flu epidemic.

on the plus side i still get to enjoy my favorite ben and jerry's ice cream


holy balls of belthezar, this is good shit
GAHHH my throat has persistently been sore for the past 4 weeks. No other noticeable symptoms to speak of. This can not possibly be strep throat I reckon?!?! Could it be possible that I have a throat infection and nothing more!?!? GAHHH!! It hurts to type. I may have to see a doctor if I cant overcome this in a month or two. :ill:

Help Me...

no other symptoms, it's not strep. it could actually be mono, you should see a doc if it's been going on that long.

Mono is usually accompanied by fever and fatigue. I feel like a million bucks, except for this dagger that is wedged in my esophagus. I'll probably go to a ENT sometime this week. Don't worry Matt, once I find out what it is, you'lll be the first to know my brother! :kickass:
Mono is usually accompanied by fever and fatigue. I feel like a million bucks, except for this dagger that is wedged in my esophagus. I'll probably go to a ENT sometime this week. Don't worry Matt, once I find out what it is, you'lll be the first to know my brother! :kickass:

well good luck. apparently you can have mono and have no symptoms but a long-lasting sore throat, but it could be a number of things. get well soon, i recommend emergen-C :headbang: