i know i'm a shit poster but god

Someone should publish an Epic GMD History.

"That was during the Years of Oppression. The Forum suffered from the infiltration of misanthropic trolls and several succumbed to the will of the fallen. It can't be said that Lord Dodens approved of those who took to the ways of the troll, but in reaction to the excess of contemptible posting it is true that the Moderator took action that some might classify as drastic or, perhaps, even tyrannical. It was only after the Great Upheaval, when the true and righteous of the Forum banded together against the atrocities, that order was restored. To this day that period is still looked upon with fear and anger."

EDIT: pretty much ninja'd by fleshmountain.

Yes we should make a history of GMD thread.:Smokin:
:lol: Most of my first posts were quite shit-tastic.
Fuck even my name is dumb :lol:
"That was during the Years of Oppression. The Forum suffered from the infiltration of misanthropic trolls and several succumbed to the will of the fallen. It can't be said that Lord Dodens approved of those who took to the ways of the troll, but in reaction to the excess of contemptible posting it is true that the Moderator took action that some might classify as drastic or, perhaps, even tyrannical. It was only after the Great Upheaval, when the true and righteous of the Forum banded together against the atrocities, that order was restored. To this day that period is still looked upon with fear and anger."

HAA :lol:

I am interested how you would describe the V5 years :p
HAA :lol:

I am interested how you would describe the V5 years :p

"The years of the dual reign of V5 and Unknown were much more akin to the years of the consuls during the Roman Republic. While there was still turmoil amidst the citizenry, the abuse of power waned, and many witnessed a much more liberal existence within the Forum, and far less censorship. While some threads were still locked and cleaned, it was often the consent of the majority, and very few complained of the Moderators' actions."
I support the title of this thread.

oh and btw the chick in your sig...her hair looks like a rats nest and she looks like a dude tbqfh.

her hair is fine and she doesn't look like a dude, you've just got a serious case of internet-super-standards
Everyone knows I should run for the position.

:begins humiliating and insulting people before banning them: