I made a big fuck-up! Yay!


Metal as fuck
Aug 24, 2001
Blue Mountains, Australia
I'm happy about making this fuck-up, because it means that I don't have to keeping telling everyone that the new W.A.S.P. is the worst album ever. The other night on IRC I was telling Karyn, phloggy, Southy and a few others that the track I'd heard from the new W.A.S.P. almost made me stop listening to metal. But guess what... it wasn't W.A.S.P.! Now, I know it's kinda hard to mistake Blackie Lawless for anyone else, but we have a 25-disc CD player, and I put all the promos into it (in alphabetical order by band name) and hit random while playing the PS2, coz the soundtrack for FFX is lame. But I got W.A.S.P. and some other band called Witchcraft mixed up, so when the song came on and I went to check who it was by, I thought it was by W.A.S.P. But it wasn't! So yay! The new W.A.S.P. album is actually quite good.

Goreripper said:
On a lighter note, the new UFO and TNT albums are awesome! :headbang:
Yes! What I've heard from the new TNT is UNREAL! I can't wait to have money and buy it! Prob next week when I get some money coz I don't have to buy a Kiss ticket this fortnight haha! Might pick up the new TNT and PC69 albums.