I wonder how Jesper is doing and what he's been up to.

Before he started writing seriously for The Resistance he was just at home for a year basically, writing some music but mostly playing games.

He said this in that large interview in a Swedish Magazine called Close-Up with Anders, Björn & Jesper where they compared SOAPF to food etc and talking to Jesper about what he's doing in life.

I think he played Call of Duty a lot, he and Marco played it together.

And nowadays, I guess it's the same but with more music writing, as far as I know he hasn't gotten any job, basically because I don't think he needs one.
He is making better music than In Flames.. that's what.

Where did you attain those prediction skills? Considering The Resistance has released 1 song which sounds NOTHING like any music In Flames has ever done.
I hope he is thinking about coming back to In Flames, they could really use him right now.
Really? I thought ASOP was way worse then SOAPF.

Then again, opinions are assholes.

SOAPF was far superior to ASOP :D but it would be hard for an album not to be.

If Jesper comes back to In Flames I'd want him to take some responsibility and build on SOAPF to create a genuinely great metal album. It doesn't have to, and if we're being honest couldn't, be as good as the 1996-2000 stuff, but there's plenty of scope for improvement and Jesper has the creative ability to nurture that progression.

If his intentions are to put his name to a piece of shit like ASOP again he might as well not come back.
SOAPF was far superior to ASOP :D but it would be hard for an album not to be.

If Jesper comes back to In Flames I'd want him to take some responsibility and build on SOAPF to create a genuinely great metal album. It doesn't have to, and if we're being honest couldn't, be as good as the 1996-2000 stuff, but there's plenty of scope for improvement and Jesper has the creative ability to nurture that progression.

If his intentions are to put his name to a piece of shit like ASOP again he might as well not come back.
Well he obviously doesn't seem to be wanting to write melodically based songs at the moment though seeing he's in The Resistance and they aren't really a melodic band. I doubt he'll ever rejoin In Flames because he can't really handle the really tough touring schedule.

And I don't know if you've already heard it, you should check out Annihilator's track ''Haunted'' that Jesper played a solo and a lead/solo on. It really resembles Old IF melodies and the song is from 2007.
And I don't know if you've already heard it, you should check out Annihilator's track ''Haunted'' that Jesper played a solo and a lead/solo on. It really resembles Old IF melodies and the song is from 2007.

So he can still do it? :D

That melodic section is better then 70% of post-2001 In Flames catalogue. Too bad the rest of the song is garbage.
If Jesper can still do great melodic death metal stuff then it's even worse he was a part of ASOP :D but yeah, Jesper's part of 'Haunted' is awesome... as A88 said, rest of the song kinda sucks though :bah:
Is Jesper still a or?
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Maybe I'm just expecting too much, but I really haven't been impressed with the Resistance as a whole. Guitars just seem pretty bland/generic sounding riffs. Lyrics are missing that "zazz", and just... stuff like this.


Unless im just hearing the vocalist wrong.

I feel like someone took Slaughter of The Soul as an album/sound, made it shitty, and then pooped out this song. It has the guitar tone of that album, but the riffs are no where as good to me and i think the vocalist doesn't rub me right either. I just don't know :|
I agree. Generic stuff.

Well, I hope that Jesper will start doing something melodic sooner or later.
As soon as they announced the vocalist I realised The Resistance wasn't gonna go in a direction I'd be interested in.
Maybe I'm just expecting too much, but I really haven't been impressed with the Resistance as a whole. Guitars just seem pretty bland/generic sounding riffs. Lyrics are missing that "zazz", and just... stuff like this.


Unless im just hearing the vocalist wrong.

Everyone needs zazz. Even Dethklok knows that.
Song was decent. Had a nice intro with some short tremolo's at least. It's kinda clear what their sound is going to be like now.

You should read the facebook thread where they posted this, one guy throwing so much shit on it and TR replies, Jesper even replies with his personal account.

EDIT: After a few listens it's actually more than decent to my ears. It's definitely a good song and that tremolo riff part in the song really does it for me.