idea i had for my band... your opinions?


Mar 3, 2003
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right now we have a:
lead guitarist/vocalist (me)
rhythm guitarist

our bassist is a punk kinda guy... never even heard For Whom The Bell Tolls... but he can play the bass like a mad motherfucker.
my idea...
my rhythm guitarist came across a bassist at his work... likes Metallica, Slayer, Shadows Fall, among many others. hthe band he is in does NOT have a drummer. i was thinking of adopting him, and having a rhythm bassist and a lead bassist.
-have the bassists duel solos, harmonize with each other... have the bass harmonize low parts with the guitars, and even harmonize on guitar solos with me. itll have that extra edge that seems to work in my mind... opinions?
Hey, it sounds incredibly stupid to me because I cant think of one band that has ever done that. But hey it may be cool, who knows. You will have to take some time out of the limelight if you want them to have solos and stuff. Just make sure they can both play excellently, or it will totally blow. I personally think lead, rythem, drums, singer is the best lineup.
Hmm if the lead bassist is really amazing why not just snag him?

You might pull it off if you have really technical bass riffs...mostly harmonized. But then again the bass would saturate the music and take away from the guitars....probably sound a bit muddy.....hmm tell me how it works out.
495 said:
hehe thats why i came up with it... its something new. as for takin away the limelight or whatever.. i dont care, i cant solo worth a shit anyway haha

Definatly work on your lead technique. Even if you cant apply it to the band right now, practice the fuck out of it. Hmm.....damn.,.,.I gotta go shred guitar! eeeeeeeeeee ::runs:::headbang:
Practice your rhythm playing! 95% of the song consist of fuckin' rhythm guitar. I made the mistake in my early studies of just learning leads,MISTAKE it was haha.Great metal guitarist are guys like Mustain and James Het..not the best lead players they are but they wrote the coolist riffs.
I'm doin half way normal I think hahaha.
I'll send you my old bands first album if the FTP is open.The one I sent you first was done with my Gibson SG and a Marshall half stack and 9 cases of Molson Export hahaha ...can you here the drunken playing in the tunes?Liar was done @ 4 in the morning as the singer was puking his guts out for 5.5 hours hahaha what a weakner he was.

Cheers 495
495 you have to out-Slipknot everyone. Get 6 vocalists, 14 guitarists, 9 bassists, 5 drummers, 27 keyboard players, a full symphony orchestra, a harp player, a triangle player, a banjo player, a piccolo player, a glockenspiel player, a guy that paces back and forth, an obligatory guy that wears some kind of mask, a guy that sprays the crowd with a water hose, and a guy that just stands there looking stoned. If you do this, you'll be a multi multi millionaire.
a guy... said:
495 you have to out-Slipknot everyone. Get 6 vocalists, 14 guitarists, 9 bassists, 5 drummers, 27 keyboard players, a full symphony orchestra, a harp player, a triangle player, a banjo player, a piccolo player, a glockenspiel player, a guy that paces back and forth, an obligatory guy that wears some kind of mask, a guy that sprays the crowd with a water hose, and a guy that just stands there looking stoned. If you do this, you'll be a multi multi millionaire.

I think you got something there hahahahahahahaha
Don't forget the chainsaw player
I always thought of having a band with an acoustic guitar, lead guitar, rhythm guitar, fretless bass, lead bass, funky rhythm bass (groove), drums, precussion, banjo (with a freaking awesomely fast player), violin, trumpet, cello, piano, synth, mesmerizing female vocal, emotional male vocal, and about 3 singers backing them up. 495, try it out, there's no reason not to. Do whatever you want to, and be creative.
a guy... said:
and a guy that just stands there looking stoned.
I think I've found my niche in the music industry!

Now Playing:: traveling wilburys - tweeter and the monkey man

now eating:: Chocolate Tofutti!!
Chromatose said:
I think I've found my niche in the music industry!

495 said:
i was thinking of adopting him, and having a rhythm bassist and a lead bassist.
-have the bassists duel solos, harmonize with each other... have the bass harmonize low parts with the guitars, and even harmonize on guitar solos with me.
I agree with the muddy part. The basses with have to play the exact parts in order not to sound like shit. How ever you could just have the shitty bass player just accent the the drum beats lke the keyboards do, but what's the point in that. I honestly think it will sound shitty. Coming from a bass player (6+ years) and guitar player (15+ years). Just my opion.
Just let one of the bassist add funk to the Metal. So the listener can bang his head and groove his ass off. We're bombing Iraq already, god, Bush didn't even wait for the deadline.
Edit note: Sorry to keep this unedited for so long, but I didn't even know that I posted it.
N/P: Evergrey-Recreation Day