If you could ask George Bush one question, what would it be?

Profanity, whyyyyyyy wouyld you want to know...that? Planning to fill Monica's shoes, eh?

I actually almost shook hands with Bush. Got his autograph, and heard him speak. I don't know...I'm kind of on the fence now. He seemed pretty sincere about what he said. I just don't know anymore. I voted for him last time, but it was my first year, and I was impressionable. I'll probably just throw the vote out...
anonymousnick2001 said:
I'm kind of on the fence now. He seemed pretty sincere about what he said.

Of course he seemed sincere. He's the Politician of Politicians, and he's up for re-election in a few months. He has to be able to convince you that the moon is not only made of cheese, but it's made of good wholesome Wisconsin cheese, and that the Democrats want to replace it with imported Caerphilly and thrown America's hardworking moon-maids into the welfare system.
anonymousnick2001 said:
Profanity, whyyyyyyy wouyld you want to know...that? Planning to fill Monica's shoes, eh?

I actually almost shook hands with Bush. Got his autograph, and heard him speak. I don't know...I'm kind of on the fence now. He seemed pretty sincere about what he said. I just don't know anymore. I voted for him last time, but it was my first year, and I was impressionable. I'll probably just throw the vote out...
That is nearly the most surprising thing I have read on this board......ever.
lord667 said:
Of course he seemed sincere. He's the Politician of Politicians, and he's up for re-election in a few months. He has to be able to convince you that the moon is not only made of cheese, but it's made of good wholesome Wisconsin cheese, and that the Democrats want to replace it with imported Caerphilly and thrown America's hardworking moon-maids into the welfare system.
I can see what you're saying, but Kerry has failed to be even remotely heartwarming about anything. I have a better chance at becoming President with the way he's been campaigning. I'm speaking relatively.

Nightwing said:
That is nearly the most surprising thing I have read on this board......ever.
I'm sorry. I'm easily inspired.
Mr. Bush, is it true that the extra $100 I got on my tax refund will overcompensate the $600 a year I pay more for your overpriced gasoline for your homies? I need your help to figure out the math...