I'll pay someone to help me with Ozone 5


New Metal Member
Feb 17, 2014
I'm trying really hard to get a mix and master sounding great. I believe my mix is good, but I can not get the desired results when mastering. I realize that this could be any combination of things, so I won't even try asking dumb questions about "why does my master sound like shit, aaaaah" like most people. But if someone who is experienced in production would like to talk to me one on one, maybe listen to my mix, tell me if it's on point or if I should do something else, and then go over what I should be doing in Ozone to get it right, or maybe even give it a shot themselves, I'll pay you. I have paypal, if that's cool. Sorry if this is posted in the wrong thread. Thanks to anyone willing to help me out in advance. I'm mainly looking to learn here, not just pawn it off on someone.

Working with Ozone 5, MaxxBass, and there is a density mkii in my chain before that because someone told me it was a good idea. It's probably not though.
Why are you using Maxxbass on the master (if you mixed the song)?
Post your ozone related problems here, I might help you.

Mainly because I thought I had a really great mix, and an even better master. I thought I was killin' it. And then, 2 different producers listened to it, and one of them said "You're missing an L2 and a MaxxBass". Honestly, I now think he was just big dicking me. Because since I tried to change my normal flow of things, I have dug myself into a terrible sounding hole that I can't crawl out of. About an hour ago I say fuck it... I'm going to go back to what I've always done, and then I'll post it on here and ask you guys for your input... and go from there. I'm not even sure the MaxxBass does anything besides make my master muddy. And I already use a maximizer, not sure why he threw out the L2.
It has some audible bass, but no wheight at all (What I want to say is that you mixed the bass too low, there is no fix). I mean, you should mix it again, starting with the bass and trying not getting lost with it. The other elemets are in the right way
Having a reference track is good to check the bass level cosistency.
PS: This wont work if your monitoring system and room doesnt reproduce well those frequencies.
Try to mix the bass with good phones =)

The Ozone is not your problem, its the mix.
I just wanted to mention that imo a big thing about Ozone is resisting the temptation to always use every single thing it offers...just because it's there. You really have to listen with your own ears. And as others said, most of the work should be done on the mix level so that's probably where your problem is. Polishing turds is bad.
Mix into a fairly simple master bus. Small amount of bus compression and a mastering limiter. Bypass it , and enable once in a while to check how you mix will respond to your mastering chain. I do all my own "mastering" and I found that for me mixing into my chain works best. I like slate fg x, some don't.

I also agree that your mix is lacking low end punch, that needs to be addresses in the mix stage.
Thanks for the input dudes! I'm using the Chango Twango bass. I got the "pre processed" one and was advised to not to any EQing to it. When I make it louder it's like all the frequencies I DON'T want to stand out... stand out. Hahaha. Maybe I should give something else a try. Or, just record bass.
Do whatever sounds good, not what others tell you you "have to do". Not every mix is the same. And the secret to a good master is the mix and not your ozone settings.
Using maxx bass on the master bus doesn't seem like a great idea for me by the way.
Alright dudes. Here is my current mix and master for the project, with no MaxxBass. This is just how I would normally do things. Think I need MaxxBass? Or do you think I'm doing pretty solid?


hmm yeah, like it was mentioned. There is bass but not much weight. Here is a question, did you by chance put a HPF and LPF on everything? Or maybe even in the master bus you did it?