I'm going to be tracking guitars and bass for my band's album..mic advice


Aug 29, 2006
Austin, TX
So my band RISEthyRUIN will be returning to The Bubble in early April to track drums and scratch guitar/bass tracks for a full length. Guitars and bass will be done at my place. Amps, cabs, guitars being used:

Orange Rockerverb
Mesa Dual Rectifier
Orange 4x12
Rivera 4x12
Frankenstein Fat Strat
Carvin Holdsworth H2
Schecter Blackjack

Bass gear:
Fender 5 string Jazz Deluxe
Mesa Dual Rectifier
Ampeg B2R
Ampeg SVT 8x10

Lot of pedals for effects. The only mics I have are an SM57 and an Apex 770 (cheap 57 knockoff). What other mics would you guys recommend? Was thinking an MD421 and an e609 for guitars...not real sure about bass as I've never mic'ed a bass cab.

Here's our EP we did entirely at The Bubble last year to give you an idea of how we sound. Shooting for similar guitar/bass tones:


