I'm losing my hearing


Nov 6, 2002
And I'm fucking 19 and I got the hearing of a 70 year old. Too much cranking it I guess. People will be saying things and every time I have to say WHAT?!
MURAI said:
And I'm fucking 19 and I got the hearing of a 70 year old. Too much cranking it I guess. People will be saying things and every time I have to say WHAT?!
If you are a musician, use earplugs. If you listen to music at loud volumes, do it intermittantly. It is the sustained high levels that get you as opposed to a few minutes here and there. The exception to that are extremely loud noises like fire-arms. If you are a hunter or marksman and use firearms, do things like shoot commercial fireworks or pyrotechnics, or work in demolition ALWAYS use ear protection.
You could also have a minor ear infection or wax buildup you aren't aware of. Most people think of wax buildup as some gross "waxy" type stuff, but sometimes it can get hard and you will not know it is there. Conventional methods (like q-tips) won't remove it or even show an indication that it is there. If you still have trouble hearing in a couple of weeks (if it is an infection it will probably be gone by then) try an ear-wax removal system from your local drug store. Excess wax build-up is not just a hygeine issue, ear infections and contaminants entering the ear can cause the glands to secret more wax for protection.

yea i might most liekly end up like that, most of my day i crank up mt headphones full blast, and have been doing that for years now, i already have a this annoying ring that wont go away lol.
Been a 'head for a while now and did six years in the military working side by side with 50,000 horsepower turbines but my hearing was better when I got out. It's still excellent but I don't use headphones anymore and don't blast too often. I guess I'm lucky.
MURAI said:
And I'm fucking 19 and I got the hearing of a 70 year old. Too much cranking it I guess. People will be saying things and every time I have to say WHAT?!

hehehe I'm 25 Been in some Loud Bands and have always played my Music louder than hell and well I hear ya man :p My hearing is touch and go sometimes its great sometimes it sucks but I can say if your band or stereo is loud enough to make your ears ring for hours after you prolly shoud have ear plugs :p
Losing my hearing in my left ear as well, i'm 32. Guns and really loud music did it to me. Went shooting the day before a PRIEST concert in a fairly small venue. Left ear faced the stage. Mines been confirmed by a doctor, certain pitches I have difficulty with. BTW, the concert kicked ass.
I'm 31 and my hearing sucks now. From the time I was a teenager and went
to my first club show I always love being up in front either in the pit or being
way up in front and banging against the stage. It wasnt until my mid 20's
that I started using earplugs but my problem is that I can't hear anyone
talking to me at a show while the band is playing. So I take the plugs out
and I still cant hear a damn word people say when they're talking to me.
I feel bad sometimes and I dont want to hurt their feelings when they're
talking to me when I keep having to say "WHAT! I can't hear you"
I know I'm half deaf and I have to have the volume on the TV somewhat
loud if I'm sitting far away. Being half deaf comes in handy sometimes when
someone I dont want to talk to is talking to me, it's all too easy to drown
them out. I think I started using plugs too late. Plus,when one of my favorite
bands is playing, and I've got plugs in, the sound is kind of muffled and to
get the full on intensity of their music I have to say fuck it and pull my plugs
out so I can get the full beauty of the awesome sound. I pay for it the next
day. Ringing ears sucks.
I've heard something like when you start losing you hearing, you are not able to the very high-pitch/low-pitch sounds then eventually you'll be able to hear less and less. I dont want to have ringing ears and shit so I'll probably put the volume down and use the headphones less I guess.