Im pissed on Swedish Public Radio


Jan 24, 2006
I can´t be the only fan of the Swanö brothers, N.G and their music who took myself time to write some forums/radio programs to require some quality attention on NG or Swanö, -Swanö related material. Or am i?

The last winter I wrote "P3 Rock" which is a Rock Show aired every Thursday evening on Swedish Public Radio demanding Swanö and was actually surprised to find a reply from Håkan Persson at "P3 rock", expressing he was thinking Swanö was a good idea
(Before writting I checked the history of past shows back til -03 and found lots of bands who Swanö worked with or was envovled with such as: Project Hate.., Katatonia, Opeth etc. But never any Bloodbath, Nightingale, EoS or Swanö himslef)

Lateron i wrote two other shows suchs as "Rundgång" and "P3 rockster" in the same matter

I know their are tons of bands and goodones too but you have to agree a guy like Swanö and Swanö materials would deserve some fukin time on air!!
*And theirwith some well deserved attention*
Yep, It would be cool to hear some. I have tried to request songs to but i guess they still thinks Entombed is the hottest band i Sweden. P3 sucks. They lack knowledge of new and not so famous bands.
Deadlift said:
Yep, It would be cool to hear some. I have tried to request songs to but i guess they still thinks Entombed is the hottest band i Sweden. P3 sucks. They lack knowledge of new and not so famous bands.

Entombed LOL!!
at least There's some attention to metal on Swedish public radio.
We barely get any alternative music on air,as for metal, Metallica's nothing else matters is just about it.