I'm pregnant

that's awesome news Mike!!! Congrats to you and the miss' ... how does it feel?
Crazy. Good luck with that and congratulations. I remember you're one of few people around here who don't hate children, so it should all work out. :lol:
Maybe we can have ours on the same day. Mines due in December, what about yourn?
uppvuxen på bathory och celtic frost
döpt i oheligt vatten av satans prost
mickes enda bekymmer är att barnet kan bli
ännu hårdare än farsan sin
that's awesome news Mike!!! Congrats to you and the miss' ... how does it feel?
Danke! Feels great, but I expect life crisis to hit me sometime in the next few months so I'll just drive around the city in circles with one napalm death song or repeat or something like it.

Crazy. Good luck with that and congratulations. I remember you're one of few people around here who don't hate children, so it should all work out. :lol:
Thanks, I'm great with kids so it'll be kool. I've never changed a diaper though and I don't plan to until I have to.

Congrats! You'll make a fun daddy :D
Oh yeah, I'll teach the kid all kinds of important stuff, such as who built the Eiffel tower (me), who put the moon in its place (me), where Indians/native americans come from (martian eggs) and so on.

I predict the next Lethal album will come equipped with two ballads. :loco:
If that happened, not only wouldth earth implode, but my dear girlfriend would probably kick our collective ass as well. We should make a slow creepy song though! About Cthulu.

Grattis till er båda!
Tack! Lyssnade du på hitlåten? (Gjord av Erik såklart)

Wow... awesome news. Is this something you guys were trying for or were you surprised?

Thanks! Of course we knew what could happen, just didn't quite expect it yet. Still rules!

Is there something I'm not catching on to here? Hell Mike is a chick? :confused:
Just in case that wasn't a joke, I am the manliest man this planet has ever spawned and I got means to prove it
Congrats! Is this your first one?
Yup! I'm still a wee lad, y'know
Grymt! Grattis och lycka till med allt, även om jag är säker på att du kommer att bli en utmärkt (hårdrocks)farsa
Tack! Det är jag med så det är lugnt.

In case I missed someone, thanks in general. This thread will be bumped around christmas when there's cute baby pix to show.