Indica Hmmmmmmm I wonder


Old as Yoda
Jan 11, 2005
Could Jonsu be the replacement for Anette, if they choose to replace her? Found all of this will posting about PP USA on the Nightwish forums.

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If Anette leaves or gets booted they should go looking outside of the pop/rock/metal world to find a vocalist.
I don't know if she's bad, but she's different. Unique. Not my cup of tea though. Honestly, while I thought the previous Nightwish was very solid, I just can't stand behind that band anymore. Annette's vocals just don't fit, and it especially showed in my opinion, during the live performances. You can't go from Tarja who was classically trained to a rock/pop vocalist. It just doesn't work. The only way I get truly behind them again is if they go after a classically trained vocalist again. Considering how many of these bands there are nowadays, who have a lot of good vocalists, it's mind boggling how Tuomas couldn't find a suitable replacement. Since Tarja's departure, it's evident their "top female fronted metal" throne has been taken over by Epica.
I don't think she would fit as vocalist for Nightwish either, but I don't think she is awful, just not very powerful. She kind of has that odd/quirky Kate Bush thing going for her at times.
Jonsu is a pop-rock singer and I'd say she is better than ~95% of the girls in that genre. I can't imagine her in Nightwish or in any metalband, not even in a gothic metalband. Her voice gets many times irritatingly nasal to my taste, especially when she sings in Finnish. It doesn't sound as bad in English, but her accent is still quite thick; will take more practice to get her sound fluent, I think.

Because she is the leader and main composer/lyricist of Indica and because they were just recently signed to Nuclear Blast Germany, it's apparent that she has no plans to split with her band anytime soon.

Btw. comparing her to Kate Bush isn't too far fetched an idea, Indica has made an awesome cover of Wuthering Heights which they play live but have never released on CD.

This is one of the better clips of it found in Youtube. I'd say she has got enough power to deliver when the song needs it. Just listen to her in this clip!

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Indica rules. BlackRoseMetalHeart (who will probably chime in here soon) recently got into them & turned me onto them. Straight & Arrow is such an awesome song, it's so fucking catchy. They have a lot of more ambient, atmospheric, mellow stuff, too, which is also very enjoyable and relaxing.
Jonsu is a pop-rock singer and I'd say she is better than ~95% of the girls in that genre. I can't imagine her in Nightwish or in any metalband, not even in a gothic metalband. Her voice gets many times irritatingly nasal to my taste, especially when she sings in Finnish. It doesn't sound as bad in English, but her accent is still quite thick; will take more practice to get her sound fluent, I think.

Because she is the leader and main composer/lyricist of Indica and because they were just recently signed to Nuclear Blast Germany, it's apparent that she has no plans to split with her band anytime soon.

Btw. comparing her to Kate Bush isn't too far fetched an idea, Indica has made an awesome cover of Wuthering Heights which they play live but have never released on CD.

This is one of the better clips of it found in Youtube. I'd say she has got enough power to deliver when the song needs it. Just listen to her in this clip!

That was a pretty cool cover, but I can't for the life of me imagine why any singer would WANT to try and tackle that song, jesus.
I actually hope that they do not replace Anette. Dark Passion Play was my favorite Nightwish album. But i do prefer the pop/rock/jazz female vocals over the classical/opera/gothic style female vocals. So i.e. I like bands like Delain/Venturia/new Nightwish over bands like Epica/After Forever/old Nightwish.

And as far as Indica goes not the best thing I have ever heard, but not all bad. It actually is better if you just listen to the song and not watch the video, because she looks and moves like she is on something.
Since Tarja's departure, it's evident their "top female fronted metal" throne has been taken over by Epica.
:puke: I tried very hard to like Epica about two years ago when I was getting more into female-fronted bands and I knew I'd be seeing them ahead of Symphony X. I don't mind their vocalist at all, but personally found their music to be quite lacking. Many of the songs were the same chug-a-chug-a-chug and I just wasn't feelin it. I felt that way on the album and agreed when they bored me to tears live. That said, I have heard more than once that their latest effort is much better than past releases and have been meaning to check it out to give them another chance, so maybe I'm behind the curve on this one.

I actually hope that they do not replace Anette. Dark Passion Play was my favorite Nightwish album. But i do prefer the pop/rock/jazz female vocals over the classical/opera/gothic style female vocals. So i.e. I like bands like Delain/Venturia/new Nightwish over bands like Epica/After Forever/old Nightwish..

To each his own, but I have to agree for the most part with GoRillaBoy76, except that I think After Forever is fantastic. My wife and I saw them opening for Overkill and we were blown away. Hope Floor's new band doesn't disappoint. Also Within Temptation is towards the top of my list.

I liked a few old Nightwish songs here and there but my ears would bleed if I tried to listen to a whole disc. I guess I just don't have the refined ear required to tolerate operatic vocals. I do enjoy DSO quite a bit more than old Nightwish, though. Still, only in doses. And I think Annlouice's vocals are more subdued in the mix than Tarja's were in Nightwish.

I love Anette's voice and I think it fits the music just fine. Maybe it's the pussy in me that also digs bands like Paramore, I don't know. That said, I have a limited tolerance for the many other similar bands out there (actually that goes for Paramore's contemporaries, too). Delain is one of the higher quality ones and I was pleasantly surprised when I heard them. Many of the rest are quite puketastic. Just try putting Nightwish (or any of them) in and see what comes out. :puke:
I was not saying that i do not like older Nightwish/after Forever(new band is awsome) or Epica (new album is better than the old IMO), I just prefer the jazz style voice over the opera/classical.

And Delain is quickly moving up the list of bands I love.
I actually would prefer someone who can sing higher than an alto range in Nightwish. I want someone who can pull off "Slaying the Dreamer" live.
i do prefer the pop/rock/jazz female vocals over the classical/opera/gothic style female vocals.
This. :)

In regards to Indica, I discovered them a month or so ago when a trail of Nuclear Blast videos led me to them on YouTube. (Up until recently, I believe the band was with Sony Europe.)

I don't care if it's a gimmick, but the all-female aspect intrigued me. I actually like Jonsu's voice. I can see how some might find it nasely or annoying, but I think it's pretty and unique, as I think someone else already pointed out. I also think she has an incredible knack for writing lyrics (assuming the songs/translations in English are her work as well). All of the girls are pretty talented, and although their music isn't that complex, it's still about 100x's better than anything I've heard our American pop stars are "creating." The main thing I don't like about this band is that I wish their drummer could let loose. She is one of the few members to list and hard rock or metal in her influences (Apocalyptica, Pink Floyd, Metallica) in her bio on their website. I'm hoping that their being on Nuclear Blast may influence them to go in a heavier direction, but I'm not holding my breath.

I think this was the first song of Indica's that I heard, which I think actually shows a slight metal influence:

While it's not very metal, I think this is a beautiful ballad:

And for those who are interested in hearing the Finnish contrast to the video J-Man posted above, here is the original version of Straight & Arrow (Pahinta tänään). I get the impression that a lot (or maybe all) of the songs that are on Indica's newest album are all English versions of songs the band previously released on one of their 5 albums in Finnish:

I don't think there is any likelihood of Jonsu replacing Annette. I think the types of passionate fans the Nightwish has will always speculate the "what if?" scenarios, especially now that the band has already replaced their singer once.
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A snippet of an English translation of this interview with Jonsu (voc) and Heini (bass) of Indica which was aired last Saturday on YLE1 mornign TV in Finland.


When the band consists of five beautiful women, it’s called a girl band. Does the title “girl band” bother you?
H: Not necessarily. Someone has commented that this is what Spice Girls would sound like if they had instruments.
J: I think the comment was on some hate forum. This is happening again now when we are starting our career in Europe. It was similar in Finland in the beginning when people were surprised that we can actually play our instruments. But when we released the second album, people started to ask questions about our music. I suppose it’s normal that people will react in this way in the beginning.
H: I’ve already got used to it, so it doesn’t bother me much.

So it’s not a bad thing in pop or rock if you can actually play the instruments?
H: It’s a plus, at least in live concerts.

Have the music journalists given you feedback about your playing skills or have you received feedback only from your fans?
J: We’ve done this job such a long time that we’ve got feedback from everywhere. We’ve got both positive and negative feedback, but it’s normal in this business. You can’t expect that everyone loves you.

We mentioned Nightwish earlier. Let’s talk about Tuomas Holopainen, who produced your latest album. What has it been like working with him?
H: It’s been awesome. Tuomas is more like the sixth member of the band than a producer. He managed to disclose our best skills while making the album. He’s a great person and a great friend.
J: Yes, I agree.

What kind of help do you need from the producer while you can handle many things yourself? How did he improve your album?
J: Our producer has to be very co-operative because all of us have strong opinions and we wanted to be the co-producers of the album. I think that the producer is a kind of a mental leader in the studio. It’s common that the band members have musical disagreements, and it was nice to have someone telling “why don’t you girls do it this way”.
H: It’s also important that the producer can draw limits and can tell his own opinion if the band members have disagreements.
J: Tuomas also had his own great ideas during the process. He’s a talented guy.

Did I understand correctly that you made this album for a long time?
H: One and half years.

How can it take so long?
H: A good question. This album has been mastered in New York, London, Germany and Finland.

How many people did listen to it?
J: Many. We wanted to make the album without a record company, so we paid it ourselves and made it as perfect as we could. And when six fools start to make a perfect album, it will take some time.
H: It’s a surprise that it will be published already now.
J: We used all the money our band had, because I believe that you can invest the money to the same thing where it came from. And we didn’t have any restricting timetables either. It didn’t matter whether the album will be released in 2012 or 2008, as long as the album is something in which we believe.

But it’s good that you managed to publish the album when you’re still young and pretty.
J: Yeah. I’m glad that the day came when everyone said that “now it’s perfect”. But we had to wait for that day for a while.


Here is a link to Nightwish's discussion board where Niko kindly posted the full translation he made of the interview.
