Into Night's Requiem Infernal

Apr 24, 2002
Chicago, Illinois
Chicago's NOVEMBERS DOOM will enter Belle City Sound studio in Racine, Wisconsin tomorrow (Friday, January 16) to begin recording the band's seventh full-length CD, "Into Night's Requiem Infernal". The album will be recorded by Chris Djuricic (NOVEMBERS DOOM bassist) and mixed by Dan Swanö at Unisound in Örebro, Sweden.

Commented the band: "We're using the same recording/mixing formula we've used on 'The Pale Haunt Departure' and 'The Novella Reservoir'. In our opinion, the combination of Djuricic and Swanö creates the perfect sound for us, and we've received nothing but stellar reviews of sound quality from this combination in the past.

"Every band hypes their new material, and says it's the best they've done, and the hardest and the heaviest... You can judge that for yourself in time. What we can say is that this is the first time going into a recording the entire band feels confident and believes the material will please fans of the band, as well as turn many new heads in our direction. It's dark, aggressive, and melodic, and compliments the last three releases."

During the recording sessions, the band will keep a daily journal, including photos, videos, and comments.

"Into Night's Requiem Infernal" track listing:

01. Into Night's Requiem Infernal
02. Eulogy for the Living Lost
03. Empathy's Greed
04. The Fifth Day of March
05. Lazarus Regret
06. I Hurt Those I Adore
07. The Harlots Lie
08. When Desperation Fills the Void

Love the album cover...can't wait to hear this :)

And US tour to make up for the cancelled one...possibly in Atlanta this time? Haha
Looking forward to Track #4, especially.

For those who don't recall, Paul's father passed away March 5, 2008

I assume this is the subject matter of this track.

The album art is killer.
I am sure it will make a bit more sense, following listening to the album for the first time.

Best of luck in the studio!

If you guys need some guest backing vocals or anything, hit us up on the forum! :)
Definitely looks like there could be some lyrics regarding religion or faith, based on the cover art, which is absolutely haunting.

I'm really looking forward to the album, since I love the direction that the band has shown over the past 2 records.
Cover art is amazing, track names are also very cool! I'm ready to hear some snippets and video from the studio!
Who made the cover this time? (Amazing by the way)

I'm really looking forward to this album!! 2009 is already shaping up to be a cool year for music releases.

I'm hoping for releases from these bands in 09..some of it has been half confirmed

01 - Anathema.
02 - Katatonia.
03 - Saturnus.
04 - Novembre.
05 - Ilkunien Kaamos.
06 - Slumber.
07 - Dawn Of Solace.
08 - My Dying Brdide.
09 - Rapture (nothing confirmed at all)
10 - Souldrainer.
11 - Obscurant.
12 - Illnath
Next week we'll have a few days off. This weekend and next week is all drums. We're booked into the beginning of February. We should have mixed and mastered by the end of February, and then maybe we'll have a small listening party for some local friends. ;)