Into the 1st Quarter of 2004

Pink Cream 69 - Thunderdome
TNT - My Religion

And dying to hear the new Jaded Heart, heard GREAT things about it! :headbang: Also wanna hear the new House Of Lords...
Intense - Second Sight
Iced Earth - The Glorious Burden

I've got loads of albums earmarked for this year but I need to get round to buying 'em first, or wait for them to actually come out :erk:
Wuthering Heights - Far from the Madding Crowd
Exodus - Tempo of the Damned
Iced Earth - The Glorious Burden
Malédiction - Esclave du Vice
Primal Fear - Devil's Ground
UFO - You Are Here
Nasty Savage - Psycho, Psycho
Malediction - Esclave du Vice
Exodus - Tempo of the Damned
Centinela - La Nueva Ira
Exodus-Tempo of The Damned
Iced Earth-The Glorious Burden
Edguy- King of Fools
Primal Fear- Devils Ground

hahahaha I cant think of anything else but there is so much out there right now,its exciting!
I've not picked up too much new stuff but so far Exodus - Tempo of The Damned is at the top of the list!
tedvanfrehley said:
noticed nobody else said PROBOT, yet....
come on guys, that disc rocks especially KING DIAMOND's track!!! LET ME IN TO YOUR SWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEET DREAMS!
I know. I would have included that one, rather than the G3 disc, but I tend to think of records like that as I would a soundtrack or a tribute disc. There's no doubt that it really kicks ass. That's just my take on it.
sixxswine said:
How is that UFO record? I haven't hear a lick off it &
I keep forgetting to look for the damn thing!

Excellent disc, and aside from the guitar tone of "Force It" it is comparable to that era UFO.

Have you heard Deep Purple's latest offering "Bananas" btw? That's another great album. I find it pleasing and yet disturbing, in equal measure, that these "dinosaurs" are outperforming the likes of Iron Maiden in terms of quality.
sixxswine said:
What's your current Top 5 for 2004?
Swine's Picks:
Dream Theater-Train of Thought
Yngwie Malmsteen-Attack!
Sorry to be despicable annoying, but TOT is a 2003 album so is "Attack!". It's now re-released in USA, but I had my copy (European) for several months now.
As for 2004, I hadn't got yet enough albums to build a top 5 so:

1) Manigance - "D'un Autre Sang"
2) Spactic Ink - "Ink Compatible"
3) Stormwind - "Legacy" :)ill: )

I can't put Aina - "Days Of Raising Doom" because is also 2003 so is Misery Inc - "Yesterday's Grave" :bah: