

Senior Fuckers
Dec 9, 2005
In Italy
Hi everyone, I start to record two weeks ago a demo of my band, and we start to record only an intro.
The intro is divided in two different parts, one clean and one with dirty guitars and real drums.
The clean part is complete but the dirty part is without the bass guitars and solos.
Tell me wath you think about the overall sounds.
Nice! The clean part sounds really good. The heavy part lack the power I expected it to have after the clean part, but it's still pretty cool. What style does the band normally play? This sounds pretty death/doomy.
the band normally play death trash...this is only to create some atmosphere...
and thanks for the comment! when I finished to record the solos and the bass part of the dirty part I'll post it.
^^^ it's because the guitars are too quiet when they come in. That's why.

Sounds cool though.

Originally posted by elephant-audio
it's because the guitars are too quiet when they come in. That's why.
Yes the guitars are quiet becouse is a slow part and I use less gain and presence to have more creamy sound.
that's a real cool tune... sort of OPETH like.

yes, bring the heavy guitars up a lot. they should have a lot of impact
+1... or the cleans down and leave the mastering process to raise the volume a touch. but i think, like these guys, that the guitars are pretty low in the mix, so aye, get them pumped up! :D
Not wanting to restate the obvious, I'd say you should really work on the performance/playing in the intro. There are some "hacks" and "hangups" in there that lessen the nice composition.

Also, instead of having the first guitar over at the left side and then the 2nd come in on the right, I'd have the first guitar in the middle and when the 2nd comes in, pan them L/R.