

Dec 4, 2003
Southern California
As you all can see forum has been adjusted for the new Panzer site.
The layout out is done and yes it's white & grey!

Here's a preview
New website will be online next week
For a preview of things to come



Very nice Zac! Now that the official board is posted on JagPanzer.com, maybe we'll have a few more folks joinin' us in here.

P.S. The live shots look really cool. :loco:
MetalSteph said:
P.S. The live shots look really cool. :loco:

Wait till you see the member pages :D
Ah fuck it....no sense in creating mystery
Your photos are all over the new site Steph.
They're the only good recent shots of the band, thats why they're on there.
So again thanks for letting us use them.
MetalSteph said:
Hey Zac,

How come JagPanzer.com doesn't link here today? Can you tell I'm bored?

I've been tweaking the site all day...
It's a new intro graphic & I took the link off, since the site will be open tomarrow most likely.

Did you get my email reguarding any openings at Yahoo? :D
Wishful thinking indeed...but I thought Id ask.

Marlies said:
Zac, that looks AMAZING!!! :worship:

Oh, and a late welcome to UM guys! :D :wave:

Thank you!
However I honestly think your Brainstorm site is probaly one of the coolest designs out there.I remember I tried to make a similiar design...but to no avail
Marlies did you just see the screenshots or did you go the actual site?
because I emailed you a link to check it out
