John Bush BACK !!!!

ironmaidenfan09 said:
You had your time the past decade with your watered down version of Anthrax. Now the real ANTHRASH is back. I personally am extremely excited about it. I saw them live recently and they fucked some shit up. Bush was a good singer for what he did but there is never going to be any replacing the classic Anthrax line up that we have right now. Let the original old school Anthrax fans have their time once again. If it wasn't for us old school fans you would have never had your chance to have John Bush in this band because they wouldn't have made it far enough without us.

here here !!!! but please please, can well leave the whole 'we want Bush/yeh for Joey' thing alone ???
Karina_666 said:
not trying to start anything, but if I was John Bush, I wouldn't whore myself to rejoin them after getting blindsided with this. And I'm a Belladonna fan saying this. Christ, they did it to both of them.

Yes, I agree I'm not sure why Bush would want to come back into Anthrax at this point. I wouldn't if I were him.
jeezaz fuckin christ-ive been away for a while coz i got sick of the whole joey/bush rant and i decided to drop in today to see what was goin on and lo and behold ya still fuckin whining about it-fuckin hell what will be will be- now fuckin drop it:yell: :yell: :yell: :yell:
Karina_666 said:
not trying to start anything, but if I was John Bush, I wouldn't whore myself to rejoin them after getting blindsided with this. And I'm a Belladonna fan saying this. Christ, they did it to both of them.
The nail on the head
heavy metal said:
i seem to remember scott couldn't get rid of joey fast enough back about turncoat.john bush rules.
Another nail on the head
Mickenglanduk said:
Ahh, but my all time favorite CD ever in the whole wide world today is 'Machine Headbutt' by Deep Purple Headed Monster.

Yeah, it´s great. I just wish they would release an EP with the leftovers that Paul Baloff and The Pussycat Dolls sang on.