Just covered Gangnam Style - DROP B STYLE

Not bad man. I like those drum patterns(?). I'll hve to listen to this agaib later since my iphone let's me only hear mono for some reason.
Not bad man. I like those drum patterns(?)

yeah, wouldn't call it rocket science there on the drum programming: excluding the beginning part where I went a bit more freestyle on the drum programming, I just pretty much programmed four 2-4 bar drum patterns (the dance kick only in the intro/alt verse, disco beat in verse, the ride beat in chorus and the fill madness in post-chorus breakdown) and added some some fills here and there to make it more interesting. But I tried to make it similar to what a real drummer could play, except if you pay attention, the double kick stuff + open/close hihat disco beat in the verse could be fairly challenging for a real drummer, unless they have three legs :D
Cool creativity, but not a fan of the quality or production. Seems a bit sloppy and the guitar tone has some weird frequencies in the 800hz range.