Just finished a vocal collaboration with 2 different vocalists, check it out


Aug 30, 2008
One of my friends (Vocalist from the band Detoxed) just came back into town from Arizona and I wanted to do some guest vocals/collabs for one of my bands songs and this is what we came out with, enjoy!

Oh yeah, per request I'll be uploading all of the stems from the whole song here in the next day or so, then you all can have a go at the mix! Thanks for listening :]

https://dl.dropbox.com/u/2580845/Back Breaker.mp3
mix is really squashed and muddy, sorry. can't hear what the guitars are doing. snare and kick are drowned in the mix but I think the mix has great potential, it needs some more separation and less limiting ;)
It was a nice mix man!!! Digged the music, quite chaotic :) . Can't distinguish the instruments that well but one thing is for sure, lower the overheads. But sounds cool
Thanks guys! Glad you liked it ;] I updated the mix (lowered oh's, less pumping/mudness), thanks for the mix advice!