Katagory V to play one-off show with Leatherwolf


Feb 11, 2002
Salt Lake City, UT USA
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Katagory V has recenlty posted on their website that they will be performing a one-off show in Las Vegas, Nevada on Saturday September 23rd, at the Tailspin Bar & Grill. They will be there supporting U.S. metal legends, Leatherwolf, who will be headlining the show that night.

"We are excited and honored to be invitdplay with one of our favorite bands, Leatherwolf! It'll also be great to see our good friend Geoff (Gayer, Leatherwolf guitarist) who joined us on stage last year at the Monsters of Metal show," states Bassist Dusting Mitchell. "I should probably mention that this will more than likely be one of the last shows we do for the year. I won't elaborate on why at this time, but we will hopefully be back in early 2007. So, if you have wanted to see Katagory V live this year, this will be the show you'll want to attend."

A flyer can be viewed at this location:

Katagory V will also be performing the show in support of their recently released 3rd album, "The Rising Anger", available on Nightmare Records.
