
Nov 8, 2001
New York City
I didn't end up taking a lot of pictures of this show due partially to fear of my flash failing (I'd forgotten to charge the battery), but I got a few! Unfortunately they almost universally sucked. Oh, well.

We got there in time to miss A COLD REALITY, which was my intent--I was not impressed with their mp3s.

But we did catch Eclectic Collective. I thought they were pretty good--mixture of hiphop and funk and a lot of guitar. They had just enough funk that they didn't get boring, as funk bands often can, in my opinion. The crowd was pretty into them...maybe too into them, as I think they ran over this time, which had consequences later...



(you see what I mean about shitty pictures?)

Next up was Irepress, which included the drummer from EC (who was very good, by the way). I thought Irepress was fucking dope. They were like heavy, instrumental indie, I guess, with hardcore influences? Again, the crowd got really into them and even started slamming around.


And finally Kayo Dot took the stage and began their tuning process. They set up a television facing the audience which was playing EXORCIST III as a sort of, I guess, installation art piece. And they started with WAYFARER, which they'd never played live before!

It was really good; I was worried that Toby's vocals wouldn't come across because they're usually less in the forefront in the other songs, but they did, very well! My only complaint was that he moved away from the mike during the WAYYYYY FARRREERRR UPONNNNN THY JOURRNEEY part and I couldn't hear it! The new violinist seemed to do pretty well (and poked Forbes in the eye with her bow at one point, heh heh).

Then they did Marathon, and since they were getting short on time, it looked like, regrettably, that they would have to cut Manifold from the set-list. Fortunately (?), though, Toby snapped a string in the middle of Marathon, right before the soft warbly guitar part, and, thinking quickly, they ended the song halfway through. It was a good stopping point, and it allowed them to play the Manifold Curiousity.

Which was again quite good. I think they are better each and every time I see them. For some reason I liked the sound on Manifold better last time--but I think the fact that I was standing at the very front right corner of the stage gave me a skewed view of what it really sounded like overall (Greg almost killed me a few times with his guitar, incidentally).

The show was very social. Clint was there--no, not Kleo's Clint...and, speaking of, Kleo was as well. He seemed to flee before I could take his picture, though.

But I did take this photo:


featuring some friends; the guy on the left is this dude Brian who I met last night who flew up from South Carolina to see Kayo Dot play! Jake, where the fuck were YOU?

omg I'm Toby I'm shocked and appalled by something to do with the string section!!

(mia's new electric violin sounded great, by the way)

During Wayfarer:

Greg flipped me off or something at some point, but my flash went off late and I caught him laughing:

Forbes and George C. Scott:

Best metal hair picture I've ever taken:

Toby, Forbes, and the new violinist, whose name I have forgotten:

My position was really best suited for taking epic pictures of Greg:

Probably every other show or so, I get Nick in a funny pose:

And probably every single show, I screw up a picture of Sam:

Anyway, it was a pretty fun show, and I'm really looking forward to the JP show in a week or two. It seemed pretty crowded, too--did it sell out? (and a LOT of people seemed to stay for Kayo Dot even really late, like to 12:30)
considering you guys were about 40 seconds from getting the power shut off on you at the end of the show (past curfew), i have to side with the band on this one.
I think he was thanking everyone for coming out, and umm wait, he said something else....I can't recall! Right after the BIG cheer, he thanked Irepress and EC and ACR, which didn't get as big a cheer, so I know it wasn't just thanking the bands...