

Sep 14, 2001
Farmakon songs in most-listened-to order are:

1 Loosely Of Amoebas 330
2 My Sanctuary In Solitude 288
3 Mist 277
4 Same 263
5 Stretching into Me 259
6 Flowgrasp 245
7 Wallgarden 233
8 Flavoured Numerology 231
9 Pearl Of My Suffering 218

Am I the only one who's really surprised that Pearl of my Suffering is last? I know it's near the end of the album and sometimes people are bound to start it (the album) and then not finish for some reason, but even so I expected it to be higher. Still, at least it's in the top 10. :)

Also, only one person has ever listened to the masterpiece that is Pearl Of Oy Ouffering.

They're not MY stats, that's everyone who's listened to Farmakon. :p I mean, as if I'd turn the album off halfway through...
Lots of people confess to having listened to your album. You just don't get to hear them do so, because they're generally doing it while strapped to a chair in a big padded room talking to a man with a grey beard about their childhood and trying not to choke on their excessive spittle.
yeah i'm surprised because flavoured numerology is pretty amazing. especially the long solo (thats actually 2 solos..) tab it out pleassssssssseeeee