
yeah, I'm not pointing any fingers...just was hoping we'd last a little longer without being on p2p programs like that. oh well.
lol you should be flattered that there's enough buzz to even warrant people to rip and trade your stuff. Just messing around of course, but this is the way the music world is. Albums are more marketing tools to get people to buy your merch and see you live than actual products themselves.
yeah, at this point we are laughign at it a little. Still, would rather sell more of the EP..than to see it going for free. I'm have rent and a credit card bill to pay!!!
even though it's great you're getting some exposure I would say it's a tactical mistake to announce here it's been leaked...now some undecent people will start searching for it on various p2p's.

did someone say a major metal label?:kickass:
It's leaked on some metal hubs to. The positive thing about it is that I am trying to spread the word about how great you are. No one has really heard about you yet. At least people will finally start to know your music than. That's a first step to conquering the world.

yup its fine by me at this point. spread the word!...send them to our myspace or something though..don't jsut give them our plz.