Let me know what you think


That Guy
Oct 6, 2003
Buffalo, NY, USA
My bands been together for about two years. We've recorded only four of our songs on our singers/bassists computer using four ten-dollar mikes bought from media play. I singer/bassist is currently planning on leaving the band (and if not, then we're kicking him out. he doesn't have any time for us anymore). I need to know what you think about the band in general. Then, for you musicians out there, i'd appreciate it if you critique the different aspects of the music including balance, musicianship, and composition. Break down the songs into the instruments. I'd really like to know what kind of singer would suit us best. We currently only have one clip on our site, so enjoy... http://artists.mp3s.com/artists/580/lost_cause_feat_andrew_mat.html sorry if you have to register with mp3.com first, it's the only way i knew how to get the song up there. Thank you for your time.
Yeah, now before I go on I didn't hate it at all and am only replying cos you asked for people to critique it...

The main problem is that it just sounds very samey, nothing particularly unique or memorable at all. The drummer's pretty good and held my attention for a while but the song itself was very generic. My band's been together for 4 years now and it was only this year after 3 albums worth of songs that we've developed into something people find interesting and worth listening to. So definitely keep at it, I know how hard it is and I haven't even been doing it for that long! Your singer's pretty good and suits the music well, you should try and look for someone similar to him.

So yeah, my only problem with it was that it couldn't hold my attention and sounded like so many other bands out there. The more original you can get the better, in my opinion.
Mr. Niel said:
This is not the place to post this kind of music. You will probably be bitched at alot for this.
why the hell would you say that? i'm not really into that guy's style of music but i respect him as a musician. people around here arent as closed minded as you may think... :err:
Funeral Portrait said:
why the hell would you say that? i'm not really into that guy's style of music but i respect him as a musician. people around here arent as closed minded as you may think... :err:
Okay, yeah...you, and istanbul so far.... only 22,235 more converts to go...

C'mon. This "Mr. Self Promotion of Music" you are writing to here. You know I have respect for musicians, my point is I'm not going to start posting my Butthole Surfers cover songs on an Opeth message board. Off topic would've been a better place for this person, or maybe even a different message board not filled with whiny Morningrise dorks.

Notice how I tried to help him out by offering up IUMA's website which is very much better than mp3.com's one to three song crap that you have to pay for.