Libya/mrsa tangent continued....


The Dreaming Mind
Mar 14, 2004
I relocated this from the original thread because I don't want people to think that I'm trying to derail the topic of Libya. It was not my intention. I was also not trying to bring attention to myself, and I seriously hope people on here aren't thinking I'm an attention whore. I tend to go on tangents and think in weird existential ways, and that's what's gotten me in trouble socially my entire life. I just want to help people, though :(
Djöfull;9738598 said:
Didn't mean to be very funny. Maybe it's the language/cultural barrier or... just my (twisted?) personality.

Anyway, I don't know how this became a MRSA thread. Immunocompromised people are mostly @ risk as you can see. But here's to a swifty recovery of those involved. Eat garlic and be merry.

:) I am currently alive because of a combination of Allimed, which is Stabilized Allicin (garlic), gaaaannnja and an alkaline food diet, etc etc. Anyway..

Just to clear things up, all of the cases I mentioned, except for 2 (Oregon) are happening in California. One of the individuals from OR is from my hometown, but I know that it's affecting people all over the US, yet accurate numbers are somehow impossible to obtain? Something isn't right, here. They haven't gathered statistical data since '05 or '07, it seems.

There are two types of MRSA: Hospital-Acquired and Community-Acquired MRSA.

CA-MRSA is more aggressive and they're thinking I got mine from the public somewhere around 2006 (Humboldt County), probably from having bad eczema. I am a clean person, the only time things get messy is when I'm too sick to leave bed/make it downstairs/have nobody to help me do laundry and basic chores (as I sometimes can't even feed myself, etc). I have always changed clothes twice a day, I refuse to wear dirty clothes and I take showers daily, I formerly took them every other day, etc. There is no dog shit on my carpet or anything like that, haha.

I felt bad that I seemingly took the spotlight and shined it on myself, but that wasn't what I was trying to do. I was trying to say that there are some dire fucking situations happening right here, right now, and the USA has pretty much abandoned us. Our current medical system makes it impossible for people in my situation to get healthy again, unless you spend everything you have on out-of-pocket expenses, but there's hardly enough money for those, let alone rent. My Naturopathic Dr. has saved my life, but my insurance won't cover naturopathy. I wouldn't be able to use my insurance if I wanted to because the co-pay (roughly $548) is half a month's worth of my income, and I need that money for my medicine and food. Insurance is completely useless to me right now.

It's technically cheaper for me to see the Naturopathic Dr every few months (she's making it cheap and actually cares about healing me) and I don't want to see conventional doctors anyway. None of them do "antibiograms" (where they take a sample of your infection and test to see which antibiotic will kill it), they just toss an antibiotic your way. They have only made me sicker and more medically fucked up with age.

Also, My medicine costs me somewhere around $400 a month, and I need healthy food in order to heal, etc. At this moment I only spend money on medicine and food, and I have barely enough for rent now. We're going to stay at my mom's until we can afford to move in a while. There were periods where I had no money for food, so I was literally starving/a mental wreck. I'm not the only human going through this in America, and there is little help for people in our situation. I watched SicKO a while back, and I feel like one of those people..there are thousands upon thousands of us.

I talked to our Health Department official about the lack of antibiograms, and she was just as frustrated as me, but she said it was because they basically wanted to treat the infection first, and antibiograms take a while to do. This is a bizarre way of thinking, since antibiotics don't really kill it anymore, anyway....And yet Something like PHAGE THERAPY works extremely rapidly, has already cured MRSA and has little to no side effects? WTF?

The answer is so simple, it's literally killing me. What do you guys think I should do? Would public speaking work? Andrew and I were thinking of doing some sort of documentary, but we need a camera. We just want to help people.

They used to tell you "don't tell anybody, not even friends and family" when you got diagnosed with MRSA at a hospital. When I got it, they did NOT tell me that I would have it for life...until later. So I potentially spread it to others because I thought the antibiotics had cured it Something is very wrong with this.

It kills more people per year than AIDS.

Everyone knows about AIDS, but hardly ANYONE knows anything about MRSA, this is NOT OK. Is there a reason behind keeping people in the dark? This has been a rapidly growing problem for years, why wouldn't you educate the public and prevent the spread?? absolutely fucking ludicrous! They are NOT treating this like a deadly disease, they aren't keeping track of the numbers of people with MRSA, they are not following proper protocol in order to stop this properly!! Why is this shrouded in so much mystery?

I think it's spreading in hospitals because of human error and improper cleaning/sanitation techniques. Alcohol DOES NOT WORK, it just spreads it around. The best thing is to use are extremely alkaline substances, such as BAKING SODA.

We need to stop fucking up other countries, spending trillions of borrowed money and concentrate on helping the people suffering IN OUR COUNTRY. There are no jobs, people are broke, many are sick, losing hope, hungry and mentally ill. There is no money for our services and the greedy officials aren't willing to take a cut to help everybody out. They keep cutting the Mental Health programs in Ukiah, and it's showing. I visited for the first time after being laid off two years ago, and there's nobody there...and they have many of the people there slated for layoffs soon. There are not enough people running the crisis center, and it was already bare bones. I see clients walking out in front of cars, the booking logs are full of MH-related cases...this is preventable. I won't even get on the topic of our atrocious "education" institutions..... :zzz:

I just want everyone to be happy and healthy, in a broad spectrum. I want to see my friends smile and laugh, I want to see them feeling less depressed. I wish people were more willing to forgive and cooperate with each other instead of fight and kill. My standpoint has not changed since I was a kid, and it explains why I admire whom I admire. I can't stand violent movies because I don't/didn't understand why it's so necessary, "OK" and culturally accepted to regularly view staged brutality. War=drama=completely unnecessary and detrimental to everyone involved except the people at the top orchestrating both.

Holy shit, I just found this:

During 2006, right around the time I was diagnosed with MRSA, I was regularly using HSU's artifical turf field as a place to do stretches, practice aikido and work on my falling. I did get scratched up by it, too, which is why I stopped going inbetween classes. I was only during this for a few weeks, and that was right around when MRSA showed up on my forearm, later on my abdomen. The time frame here is blowing my mind right now.

Yet I'm still smiling, still trying to be happy, even though it feels so far away sometimes. In short: We're all fucked unless people forget hatred, let go of greed, start helping their fellow man and chill the fuck out. Love you guys

I've been thinking of this a lot lately:

Maya Angelou - I know why the caged bird sings

A free bird leaps on the back of the wind
and floats downstream till the current ends
and dips his wing in the orange suns rays and dares to claim the sky.

But a bird that stalks down his narrow cage
can seldom see through his bars of rage
his wings are clipped and his feet are tied so he opens his throat to sing.

The caged bird sings with a fearful trill
of things unknown but longed for still
and his tune is heard on the distant hill
for the caged bird sings of freedom.

The free bird thinks of another breeze
and the trade winds soft through the sighing trees
and the fat worms waiting on a dawn-bright lawn and he names the sky his own.

But a caged bird stands on the grave of dreams
his shadow shouts on a nightmare scream
his wings are clipped and his feet are tied so he opens his throat to sing.

The caged bird sings with a fearful trill
of things unknown but longed for still
and his tune is heard on the distant hill
for the caged bird sings of freedom.
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That's interesting. I used to do SEO for artficial turf companies and promoted how green and better they are for the environment. Never knew that they could be dangerous like that. D:
I also remember feeling dirty and grimey after I was goofing around out there, which is partly why I stopped. We had my graduation on the synthetic turf, and I remember practically having a stroke from the heat, black uniforms and being completely fucked up and exhausted afterward.
I just ate some Dicks.


Pretty ace fast food! The fries were great, I should have gotten another burger or two cause they are small and cheap.

Washed it down with a:
I just ate some Dicks.


Pretty ace fast food! The fries were great, I should have gotten another burger or two cause they are small and cheap.

Washed it down with a:

Looks awesome! This was my last burger:



The tomato on bottom, like we've discussed before, works surprisingly well. Also, the bread was super win.