Little things in albums that annoy the fuck out of you.

The production on both Bonded By Blood and Fabulous Disaster from Exodus. Both albums have nice ass riffs and solos, and are both very thrashy, yet you have to turn the volume all the way up just to hear the albums well enough. That pisses me off.

I find this is true for most Sabbath albums, also. Namely Paranoid.

I also hate it when a song ends, and it's just 40 seconds of near-silence, or high-pitch guitar feedback. Either cut the irrelevant part of the song, or mix it onto the next song so as not to draw things out longer than need be.
Intros, generally there is no point to them, they just take up a a track that could have had an extra song if not for the uncreativity and laziness of the band.

I don't like overly long intros either. Off the top of my head, Morbid Angel - Blessed are the Sick and Fleshcrawl - Descend into the Absurd are two albums everyone knows that serve as perfect examples of unnecessarily long intros.

I also hate the kind of bad production where you can't make out the guitars, whether they are just all muddy or they are drowned out by the drums.
I agree on the fade outs and the "crashing" endings. I think the latter actually cheapens the whole song most times.

A lot of '70s hard rock bands are horrible about that. Especially AC/DC.

As much as I like Opeth, Still Life has always seemed rather mediocre to me. I never saw it as their masterpeice album like so many fans seem to think it is.

One thing that is annoying about Still Life is that they use a lot of bluesy riffs that sound kind of generic, and generally make the album sound more radio-friendly. I don't know if that's what annoys so many people here about the album or not - I know a lot of people here avoid mainstream-sounding stuff like the plague, and if it's that part of Still Life that bugs them, then I think they may be blowing things out of proportion.

I still think it's their most solid album from beginning to end, even if it doesn't exactly contain their greatest songs. As far as I'm concerned, no Opeth album before Still Life really has their classic sound, and every album after it has always contained some level of garbage. So Still Life really does seem to me like their peak.
Oh yeah, the stupid sound effects in Helloween's Future World and Rise and Fall tend to be pretty fucking annoying as well.
20 minutes of silence before a secret track at the end of an album

Yes, I fucking hate that.

I'm all for legitimate intros, but a lot of I hate long drawn out noisy intros that have nothing to do with the music up ahead. What's even worse is when this is actually a part of the first track as opposed to an intro you can skip. Musical synth intros or whatever are cool, however.

Low mixes suck too.
Intro's are definitely the most annoying thing of all, such a waste of space.

Like a lot of people here I also get really really annoyed by bad sounding drum kits, particularly triggered kits that sound very obviously triggered, also a lot of modern death metal has the drums way too loud in the mix, so much so that they become the main instrument which just isn't right!
I hate when double bass sounds like a pen in a fan.

Generally, I hate thin-sounding double-bass, but I'm not going to let that get in the way of a good song.

Basically, if there's double-bass, I want to fucking feel it. None of that thin clicking shit.