Loading Data....


New Metal Member
Mar 21, 2002
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"Frenchman, Nevada" is Loading Data's last record. An eight track album. songs like Vox or Zootopia you already heard on theur split cd with French stoner band Low Vibes. Although these are alternate takes. This album was recorded in 2001. I think it took them 6 months to finish it up. It's right after ths miux that the band split. they'd been together for the past 2 years and it ended just like it started. too bad say some that regret Scott's heavy bvass riffage, cool say others that won't regret Stuff's unbearable heavy-weight ear destroying drumming. Although these two members are no longer part of tha band, the founder and vocal/guitarsit leader Lo Data has found new misicains with whom he'll certainly be recording a new album sometime this year. And actaully since he's the one who composes and writes everything in the band who gives a shit what the other two are doing now?
Anyway, this album is totally ina desert vein. With influences such Queens of the stone age or Kyuss. The sound is tough, raw, the songs are short, compact, and go straight to the point. Fabulous version of "Ticket of the Subway" I'd already heard on their first e.p. So if you have an impression of deja-vu it's normal. that's because you listened to Four-track junction before (the name of loading data before the split) . With a micture of some sort of yukulele that breaks the song in the middle. Totally rad! Probably my favorite tune on the cd. Already was on the previous cd too. Although this tune doesn't really fit in the rest of the atmosphere. Here Lo gives a sort of rap demonstration a la Zappa with doubled up voices. Thing you've got to know is that this album is pretty short and you stay kind of frustrated at the end. But better be frustrated than disgusted by a too long album filled with useless shite!
Take a look at this cd it's really worth it. I'm certainly waiting for th rest to come soon. i heard and downloaded some new tunes from the band on generasound.com a french MP3 site. Kind of hard at first cause I don't speak French but I figured it out so I guess you can do the same. My I.Q isn't that extraordinary.