Look, You Might As Well Get Used To Reality - Only Fags Like Groove

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Scourge of God

New Metal Member
Mar 1, 2007
Which says a lot about V.V.V.V.Jewy.V.

Metal always goes to the same place to die: right into the pit of mainstream expectations. Of these expectations, the most poisonous is that of the constant 'groove'.

'Groove' as such comes out of the intersection of bass, percussion and the lead rhythm instrument (guitar or keys, typically). It's what you get when you set syncopation among the other instruments (and the bass drum) against straight four on snare and symbols. Groove has two main effects:

1. It almost demands a physical response - toe tapping, headbanging, dancing, whatever. Groove is felt more than heard.

2. It breaks up the other elements of the song into short, easily digestible phrases that quickly become comfortably familiar (the 'hook').

In other words, groove is the perfect backbone for music that is meant to be commodified, as it basically flips the 'off' switch to the brain. Remember that the next time you try to palm off Pantera as an important contributor to metal.
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