looking for a band


Sep 29, 2003
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Hey everyone, I'm a guitarist, been shedding for five years now, and have gone through a semester of music theory. I can play just about anything in front of me, but i prefer playing old Metallica, Opeth, Iron Maiden, and any songs I've written that I feel fit the same genre. Anyway, if you are anywhere near Greensboro NC, I'd love to play. Looking for musicians who are looking to write music with time put into it. Really, I'm just looking for a band to jam with. If you're interested feel free to respond to this or emal me at Third5tream@aol.com
Rock On
sorry NF, but Greensboro seems so far to me, especially right now with my transmission blinking on my car. It could go out anyday. I try to avoid being broken down in the middle of nowhere, which is what's between here and there. If I get a new car, then I could come up there. If you could make it here some weekend, that would be great.
Hell yeah, Charlotte's not a bad drive at all, I could definitely come down sometime and jam if you wanted to. Just let me know sometime to get together and I can pack my axe and amp and we can rock it...
What instrument(s) do you play, and what kind of music do ya like? also, do you have a place where we can play?
Rock on bud, and thanks for the reply.
I got a place to play and have all kinds of instruments set up. I play guitar and bass well, learning keys and drums, and I sing. I have all that equipment set up. It is not the best place to jam, as it is an apartment, but all those instruments are set up and I have tried to sound proof some.

The music I play is sabbath-early maiden influenced metal. Melodic vocals, whatever Bass needed, guitar is blues based early 70's british influenced metal. I like thrash and Death, but have not felt totally comfortable to say I play that style.
Awesome, :headbang:
Yeah I play alot of Maiden and Sabbath, some Priest (though not as much as I listen to, and should) and definitely a crapload of Metallica... and trying to get some Dream Theater down...
here I'll send ya a pm...