Looking for a place to crash in NY: At The Gates show.


oh noes!!
Jan 23, 2002
Columbia, SC, USA
Hey everyone. I'm going to be in NY from the 6th through the 10th and was hoping to find somewhere to crash for a few days to see the show and sight-see. I know thats a lot of time to crash at someones place but I am a bit strapped these days on cash. I have asked a few people and they're not sure yet. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I've never been to NY so I'm really looking forward to it (I always get stuck in Jersey).

Also, I'll be going to the ATG show on the 9th, hopefully can run into a few of you?

God dammit. I want to go to this so bad, man. I know someone else who's going...but he's also from out of town...he invited me to ride the train up from Raleigh, NC with him...

I just don't know if I'd ever have the money to afford the trip. I want to see ATG so bad!