looks like the new album is selling well

dead6skin6mask6 said:
:wave: ive been a Nevermore fan since i was 14. i know what your point was, just make it a little less vague next time. by saying "I don't want casual so-called Nevermore 'fans' to see them on the TV and want to see them because of Warrel's hair length"
As with everything, of course there are obvious exceptions. I just assumed the majority of people would get my point. I`ll try and make use of the word 'poseur' next time around though :)
oh yes
hey unregistered, it must be selling fast because the sales rank is now over 700
General Zod. I do care what kind of people listen to Nevermore. If some Linkin Park fan decides to listen to Nevermore, to think he knows his Metal, then he would show his friends, and soon listening to Nevermore will be a fashion, just like Cradke of Filth is now. It would be good for Nevermore to get more fans and all that, but it just wouldn't be the same.

"I've noticed the general fan quality of Nevermore is pretty fucking lame, I hate that so much.
They're either all fans of DHIADW or they pretend to like one of the old records without ever even hearing it.
Or they just don't know Nevermore had a past previous to DHIADW....not even the album, just the same songs 'Narcosynthesis, I4W, Heart Collector and BiN'"

Exactly, I hate it when people do that shit. "Oh, Hypocrisy's album Catch 22 is brutal. What? They have other cd's? Peter wasn't the original singer?" God, some people just piss me off. :)
I_Voyager_ said:
General Zod. I do care what kind of people listen to Nevermore. If some Linkin Park fan decides to listen to Nevermore, to think he knows his Metal, then he would show his friends, and soon listening to Nevermore will be a fashion, just like Cradke of Filth is now. It would be good for Nevermore to get more fans and all that, but it just wouldn't be the same.

"I've noticed the general fan quality of Nevermore is pretty fucking lame, I hate that so much.
They're either all fans of DHIADW or they pretend to like one of the old records without ever even hearing it.
Or they just don't know Nevermore had a past previous to DHIADW....not even the album, just the same songs 'Narcosynthesis, I4W, Heart Collector and BiN'"

Exactly, I hate it when people do that shit. "Oh, Hypocrisy's album Catch 22 is brutal. What? They have other cd's? Peter wasn't the original singer?" God, some people just piss me off. :)

I'm sorry, but why the fuck should you care? This whole image bullshit fiasco is the one major downfall of metal, and it has absolutely nothing to do with teh music!!! I like Deftones, Mudvayne, a bit of Slipknot, SOAD... erm... yeah so does that make bands such as Skinless, Withered Earth, Vital Remains, Cephalic Carnage etc lesser because I (a self-confessed "nu-metal n00b retard :Smug:) like them? This is what pisses me off! I don't care if a bunch of fuckwanks buy the new Nevermore album because it's the latest "in" thing and all their buddies are also jerking off to it, good!!!! More money to fuel the Nevermore machine!!! Haven't you read the interviews and shit? Don't you realise how hard it is for Nevermore to keep putting stuff out? They aren't rich.

Seriously, I think this is more an issue with elitist metalheads than anything else. Sure it pisses me off when I see a tosser in a slipknot shirt walking down the street tryin to look all tough and angst-ridden, but what the fuck am I going to do about it (apart from punch him in the face for being stupid). So I reckon everybody should get off their high-horse and be THANKFUL that at least the idiotic masses may be starting to listen to some quality material and getting over that Disturbed shit or whatever the kids are listening to these days.

One last little bitch and moan... may I ask how you all got in to metal? Were'nt we all once one of these losers with no taste in music? I used to listen to Spice GIrls (granted I was like 10) but one day I heard my uncle playing some Metallica and it clicked with me. My point being, people need exposure to the material to get in to metal and although you may be despising them right now because they're one of hte "others" maybe in a few years time they'll have crossed over to the dark side because they heard "some album from some new band called Nevermore with a girly singer" a few years back.

I think we're all being a little optimistic to think it will do THAT well. But if it does, great. Maybe it'll bring talented metal to the mainstream again? These punks will learn that Evanescence and Linkin Park ARE NOT FUCKING METAL.

Either way, what I've heard of EoR is cool and if it does too well, then yeah it will be sad if they become another trend. But if that happens, at least they deserve it.
I_Voyager_ said:
General Zod. I do care what kind of people listen to Nevermore. If some Linkin Park fan decides to listen to Nevermore, to think he knows his Metal, then he would show his friends, and soon listening to Nevermore will be a fashion, just like Cradke of Filth is now. It would be good for Nevermore to get more fans and all that, but it just wouldn't be the same.


It sounds to me like you're worried about getting lumped in with the people who would be listening because it's fashionable, and you're concerned that others will perceive that you're listening because it's fashionable. If that's the case (an assumption on my part), I would say two things:

1. "Enemies" isn't going to make Nevermore fashionable. Maybe "Dead Heart", but not "Enemies".

2. Who cares what people think?

General Zod said:

It sounds to me like you're worried about getting lumped in with the people who would be listening because it's fashionable, and you're concerned that others will perceive that you're listening because it's fashionable. If that's the case (an assumption on my part), I would say two things:

1. "Enemies" isn't going to make Nevermore fashionable. Maybe "Dead Heart", but not "Enemies".

2. Who cares what people think?


If DHIADW is a sell out album it's news to me (it isn't really all that accessible either....even the ballad-type songs contains WD's unique, and non-mainstream vox).....I think it has shifted less than 13,000 units in the States since its release. Fact is, Nevermore will never be accessible as WD's voice does not fit into the category of a generic rock vox, their music for the most part if riff and solo driven, and because of the dark image of the band on album covers.

The closest Nevermore became to being recognized in the mainstream industry is when the wrestler Raven wore their shirts. I for one hope they get some radio play, but to be realistic, and not an "enemy of reality", it doesn't seem probable that we will hear any of these tracks other than on a Digital Music Metal channel or a college radio station. Tis a shame, but the truth.

PiNkMaGGiT said:
One last little bitch and moan... may I ask how you all got in to metal? Were'nt we all once one of these losers with no taste in music?
Actually, I heard Alice Cooper`s Feed My Frankensein in the Wayne`s World soundtrack (I was like 8 at the time). Shortly after I`d heard Priest`s Point of Entry, Ozzy`s No More Tears and Maiden`s No Prayer for the Dying. I`ll admit, I ownded a couple Manson and NIN albums, which were a guilty pleasure for a year or two, but eventually I saw the error of my ways and headbanged to real metal in penance.

Poison God - I agree. Nevermore will most likely never make it really big, just the occasional nu-metal fan who actually shows promise. Warrel has such an unusual voice and I don`t think the mainstream would be willing to adapt.

*thimbs up to Warrel`s weird and kickass voice*