

Nov 11, 2002
San Francisco
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would there be any interest from anyone at PPUSA to see lordi perform? I just kind of wonder after hearing "Hard Rock" over the house system and remembered after looking at the sampler. They're not REALLY metal, but hey, they'd be a GREAT oddball.

Hell yeah I would come to see Lordi, it's all about the Arockalypse. All that aside I don't really want to start getting into a Lordi argument and what constitutes metal and what doesn't. Good music is good music, 'nuff said.

I wasn't a big fan of Monsterican Dream, Get Heavy was okay but I wasn't sure what to think of Lordi at the time, but the Arockalypse is just so catchy and a treat to listen to, all the riffs on most songs are nice heavy and crunchy( Snickers should start making official progpower usa candy bars).

My top 4 from the last album are

1> The Chainsaw Buffet
2> Supermonstars
3> Kids who wanna play with the dead
4> Who's your daddy
I really like all their stuff but my fave song by far is 'Blood Red Sandman' ~ that song and video totally kick ass...

There isn't too much of theirs that I don't enjoy.. like you said, it's a fun band...
Lordi rules! I love all their 3 discs. Really catchy stuff with choruses that stick in your head, as well as really funny horror videos.
As for me, they're "metal". OK, they're maybe more "hard rock", but they surely look metal enough. I'm quite sure they'd be a hit at PP.
I'd LOVE to see them live someday. I still don't understand why no label or promoter has picked them and started to promote their albums in North America, after their Eurovision victory.
labrekk said:
Lordi rules! I love all their 3 discs. Really catchy stuff with choruses that stick in your head, as well as really funny horror videos.
As for me, they're "metal". OK, they're maybe more "hard rock", but they surely look metal enough. I'm quite sure they'd be a hit at PP.
I'd LOVE to see them live someday. I still don't understand why no label or promoter has picked them started to promote their albums in North America, after their Eurovision victory.

Sometimes you have to be careful what you wish for. It will happen soon enough, Dragonforce is leading the way. I know it's been discussed a million times already about european bands becoming mainstreem in the USA. Despite listening to this awesome music, I enjoy many other things, amongst them one happens to be Anime and I'm not really sure I like what it's been turned into by becoming mainstreem.
Entrerie said:
Sometimes you have to be careful what you wish for. It will happen soon enough, Dragonforce is leading the way. I know it's been discussed a million times already about european bands becoming mainstreem in the USA. Despite listening to this awesome music, I enjoy many other things, amongst them one happens to be Anime and I'm not really sure I like what it's been turned into by becoming mainstreem.

I for one think that Lordi would a lot more in the US market than an all-out speedy melodic power band as Dragonforce...

The only reason I want them to become popular in USA and Canada is that they'd then start to tour and I could see them live...
Be careful what you wish, people. Lordi are signed on Sony BGM, and the rumour mill tells that the corporate is not going to waste their lucky strike at the Eurovision Song Contest. Long term plans concerning Lordi's future both in Europe and in the USA have been made all summer while the band have been rushing to catch quite a number of European rock festivals.
yep, I heard of an upcoming promotional tour too! I'd love to see them as I think they'd be lots of fun AND something different.
Well they aren't metal...

But from what I've listened to they are enjoyable. Don't know.
dcowboys311 said:
I'll be honest, I'm not the biggest fan of Lordi. I heard The Arockalypse and I couldn't stand a single song.

It takes a few listens to appreciate it.

btw, am I the only one who starts thinking about Andrew Dice Clay and eventually Ford Fairlane Hollywood Detective. everytime I hear Who's your daddy? It must be the part where Lordi goes Oooooooooo-OH.