"loud" Had Arch Enemy,testament, Celtic Frost....


Alone Within My Lunacy
Sep 4, 2001
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Much Music from Canada's "LOUD" Hard Rock/Heavy Metal video program showed videos from CELTIC FROST-CIRCLE OF TYRANTS, TESTAMENT-NOBODY'S FAULT, & ARCH ENEMY-RAVENOUS this past weekend. MTV & MTV 2 need to wise up and bring back HEADBANGER'S BALL or something like it. MTVX was pretty interesting but it was replaced by MTVJAMS on the local cable. Does anyone know if MTVX still exists? Let me know. Cheers.
I saw that!!!It's a great show,I must watch it again next week.Great that there's a way that music that heavy can be played on a tv show where more underground metal heads can see them.It got me into Arch Enemy,Celtic Frost,My Dying Bride(what would you say they are-goth?)and that one band,Explosive Rage Disorder.They all kick major ass.I must get their cds.
Yah I saw that, was looking forward to it since I saw that setlist on the webiste. LOUD has gotten much better since The Punk Show was created. Seeing Ravenous on TV was almost as cool as seeing Nevermore on the program. Other highlights were Iced Earth and Jon Shaffer and Bjorn and Peter and In Flames. Much sexiness. :headbang:
Also Soilwork, that fucking rocked!

why can't all monster magnet be as good as powertrip?