Lunaris reviews

…The Infinite

For all the claims that Norway’s Lunaris make about not being a ‘Super-group’, one look at the line up will certainly make you think otherwise. The Lunaris project gained its first foothold around 1998 when Balfori (Vocals) departed 1349 (Satyricon’s Frost’s side project) and teamed up with Azarak (Guitars, Spiral Architect and Satyricon session player). Keyboardist Ray (?) was brought in, and the band recorded two demos (‘Demos 2000’ and ‘Creative Destruction’). Just prior to recording ‘…The Infinite’, drummer Asgeir Mickelson (Spiral Achitect and Borknagar), M (Backing vocals) and bassist/vocalist Maztema (Spiral Architect and Manitou) were brought in to flesh out the sound. As you would expect, Lunaris carry a distinct sound from each members respective pasts, but there’s also a new element added to the mix, making ‘…The Infinite’ sound fresh and interesting. Opening number ‘In The Eyes Of The Heretic’ builds up slowly with some great clean riffing before launching into some melodic death metal territory. The combination of Balfori’s extreme rasps and Maztema’s clean vocals also counteract the expectations you would have about Lunaris.
‘Arise’ also follows a Fear Factory introduction, then moves into more Thorns territory, while ‘…Of The One’ is almost a Steve Vai/progressive metal number!
Elsewhere on the album, ‘Mother Of Storms’ displays an aggressive side, while ‘Growth Denied’ and ‘Primal Construction’ allow the band to stretch things out musically.
Lunaris are certainly pushing the envelope in regards to melodic extreme music with stunning riffs and the dual vocalists. The recording of the album is clean, but never sterile. It may well be hard to pin point in which direction the band will eventually move onto next time, but that’s what makes this album all the more interesting.

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