M.I.A: Pegazus

Fire breath

Feb 20, 2002
Any Pegazus fans on the board? Their last album was in 2002. Actually they had three very good albums in a row after their debut which was not so hot. Anyway I know they still play gigs and tour in their native Oz but no album since 2002 is a shame. Of course they lost their singer Danny Cecati to Eyefear and Eyefear themselves have gone on to keep releasing great music. I suppose that's one reason why he left because it seems the Pegazus mainman Johnny Stoj was not that serious into recording any more and it must be hellishly difficult for true metal bands to get anywhere being so far away from Europe were true metal is king. My guess is that their deal with Nuclear Blast ended and there were no more offers. They were a good melodic true metal band with cool tunes and it's a shame they got burned as a recording artist. The video for the headless Horseman always makes me laugh. There's actually a headless dude riding a horse in it! Maybe the Aussies on the board can tell us why there is no new Pegazus material.

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Yeap I'm a fan. I'm actually playing this song on my Halloween Special this year. I have a whole Sleepy Hollow, Headless Horseman segment.
Great band, but one of those I still haven't had the chance to collect their discs. I do enjoy them quite a bit from what I've heard though.
I enjoyed them back in the day, glad to hear they have a new album coming out...
Both samples of the upcoming album sound good. The new singer (which was the original one BTW) is fine, but I still think it's too bad they could not get Danny Cecati back in the band.