Maiden Central fan portal returning soon


Not blessed, or merciful
Apr 11, 2001
Sarf Lundin, Innit
Yup - the Yahoo! of Maiden fans will be returning soon after a somewhat-lengthy hiatus.

Started in 1999, MC grew to be one of the ultimate destinations online for Maiden fans. Now, we will be bringing the portal back, as well as offering news and criticism/commentary on Maiden happenings.

Webmasters: look for info on how to add your site to the database early, soon!

where is it?
Excellent! :cool:

Need a helping hand? I'm not probably very much of use in the coding stuff, but I can type (somewhat :p).
So...are you gonna bring back the links page, too? That would be WONDERFUL! Am sick of relying on retarded search engines to find good Maiden websites.