March 20 NYC


Raining Blood
Mar 20, 2004
Well being as there's a thread for about every other who else is going?

And of more importance, who's opening for who???
I'll be at the show in NYC. Been listening to IE for over 1,5 years now and this'll be my first time seeing 'em!!
Just back from the gig at B.B. Kings. Gotta give the guys credit; despite the tour-flu (many members suffering from a variety of maladies) they put on a super-charged performance! First time we heard Stu, and we were totally impressed with his presence on stage and vocal style. The dude nailed all the IE vocal elements while adding some intense vocal "screams" that added some high notes of metal intensity without detracting from the signature sound of the band. Much impressed!

Special thanks to Rob for taking the time to talk with us. We'll publish the interview, a review and all photos on the webzine shortly, but for a teaser, here ya go!
I was there last night. They put on a good show but the sound seemed off to me.... I couldn't really hear what they were doing all that well, except Stu's vocals and the solos pretty much. I didn't bother staying for Amorphis or Beyond The Embrace though.
Starwind85 said:
I was there last night. They put on a good show but the sound seemed off to me.... I couldn't really hear what they were doing all that well, except Stu's vocals and the solos pretty much. I didn't bother staying for Amorphis or Beyond The Embrace though.

No, the sound wasn't perfect, but I think they did a good job with what they had to work with and it was a good opportunity to see how Stu fit in.
Here's the set list:
Splintered Visions
Embraced by Desolation
Elysium Dream
Point of Uncertainty
Three Dimensional Aperture
Begining of the End
Outstanding show. Little peeved they went on before Beyond the Embrace but then I thought, "well hey now I get to see 'em sooner".

I thought they were damn tight, and this lineup kicks some serious ass. And damn, Stu...those high notes. Holy shit. From where I stood I thought the sound was pretty decent, I could at least hear mostly everything (or at least pick out what I wanted to).

My first time seeing them and I hope to see them again in June (the guys said that date is tentative) and September (definite) in the exact same place!!
I didn't have too many issues with the sound quality, I could hear the guitar leads just fine and Stu really impressed me with his vocal range and stage presence, he had tons of energy. Great effort considering the tour sickness, and I got to talk with everyone in the band at one point before and after the show...
The show was great... Despite some little sound problems, the band showed that they're very energetic live... Great performance! Stu is AWESOME! BTE and Amorphis put on a great show as well....

It was awesome to interview Rob and hang out with the guys backstage before and after the show... Me and my girlfriend had a lot of fun with Adam and Stu, the funniest guys ever!! I'll try to post the interview and the pics here....