Marco Sfogli


Obey my dog!
Apr 24, 2005
I would imagine you Dream Theater fans know this guitarist. He's phenomenal...much like Guthrie Govan.

I'm going to order his album There's Hope right now.

I listened to the sound clips a few days ago. It sounds great. I also recommend Alex Argento's album ego. Marco does a hell of a job on guitars.
Well he's got nothing on Guthrie, but since that's not what this thread is about:).....

I thought he was ok on Elements of Persuasion, but he sounded more like a cheapened version of petrucci substituting for the real thing. After hearing clips of his new album I think more highly of him, but I wont be buying the album in the near future.
Well he's got nothing on Guthrie, but since that's not what this thread is about:).....

I thought he was ok on Elements of Persuasion, but he sounded more like a cheapened version of petrucci substituting for the real thing. After hearing clips of his new album I think more highly of him, but I wont be buying the album in the near future.

I'll let you know how it is....I couldn't's really my style.
I'm sure it's not bad. A few years ago I would've bought it for sure, but aside from being more picky when it comes to instrumental guitar stuff than I used to I'm also in college now and have to be more picky with where my money goes. In high school I bought 3-4 cd's a week, minimum.
I love this kind of music, but I did back in the 70's, and for some reason I feel Im just listening to Royal Scam
its good to see some guys keepin the sound going... but
There aren't a whole lot of petrucci-isms in that video, but check out his stuff on James Labrie's solo album, Elements of Persuasion and you'll hear it within the first couple notes.

And Guthrie rants are my job....quit cramping my style:mad:
There aren't a whole lot of petrucci-isms in that video, but check out his stuff on James Labrie's solo album, Elements of Persuasion and you'll hear it within the first couple notes.

And Guthrie rants are my job....quit cramping my style:mad:

Well...he was probably inspired or directed to sound that way on that album.

I'm the one who started all the Govan trouble 'round these was my thread...don't steal my thunder.:heh:
Oh... to the Petrucci information. That particular improv there is Larry Carlton/Steely Dan era though and through, I'm not sure where Larry got his inspiration from.

So in my book if he can do Carlton and Petrucci hes damn good and picked two of the many great influencial guitarists. He must have some stuff that is more origional.... I hope.
I saw where it said that at the beginning, but that technique, scale pattern usage/interval/rythmic voicing or however it should be properly worded, seems to be directly influenced by the Kid Charlemaine solo, which has been critically acclaimed through the years.(there was other similiar Carlton work on "Dan" albums). I know it knocked my socks off, it was another "got to hear that again" as I stood there constantly re queing the needle. Always been a great technique in my book. Your a Carlton fan... have you read any info about Carltons influences ? Just wondering if that sound came from elsewhere first? I think its basic jazz ideas and possibly the groove just made that kind of voicing come out ??? Great stuff at any rate.
I don't know...I think he's got his own thing going on there. I've listened to oodles of Larry Carlton since I was about 13 years old...I don't see a strong parallel at all.
Well yes, there is alot more going on there than a brief solo in the middle of a Steely Dan song, but I know where I heard some of those techniques first, and as I said it has always been a highly acclaimed solo so it stands to reason it rubbed off somewhere.... which is a good thing. I should restudy it myself and work on applying it, because I do not have that feel while playing.
That is a great solo, no doubt. His first solo effort is a great album...except for the vocal tracks...super cheesy and dated. Sleepwalk has some of his best playing IMO...especially Song for Katie.
No, just his Steely Dan years. I've had some solo work played for me over the years, but remember nothing. I wont go into saying anything about music I need to get, cause I do that all the time and never do.... Carlton has been on that bogus list of mine for.... decades