Marduk in Australia

lol for sure
this was before 9/11 tho
marduk kept having trouble getting into america their visa's neva got approved
but i doubt they would come down, sif come all the way from norway
well true , but then again many bands would do so if the promoters bring them here and they have a good scene ...
usualy they come once and then come over and over ...
but it's that first time that's hard , priest will back in this year , i never thought they'de come ever till i saw them at there first gig and i loved that one ...
Originally posted by Clarky
lol for sure
this was before 9/11 tho
marduk kept having trouble getting into america their visa's neva got approved
but i doubt they would come down, sif come all the way from norway

Marduk are from Sweden not Norway! :mad: