Marduk: Nazi ???


Feb 19, 2003
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It seems that some french stores don't want to sell the newest Marduk album coz they wrote some kinds of "nazi lyrics"...:err:
Do you have the same problem in your country ?? and is it prooved ?? coz i won't listen to them anymore if it's true, obviously...
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in which stores?
Reminds me of a bunch of communists from Lille or something who wanted to ban an Impaled Nazarene album because of the lyrics of the song 'Total War Winter War'.
I don't think that they are NS, because they have someone of Yugoslavian-immigrant origin in their band, and a real NS band would not have an immigrant in their band. Besides, if you wouldn't listen to a band just because they are NS, you shouldn't be listening to black metal. Stick to Blowpeth.
opethmaniac said:
It seems that some french stores don't want to sell the newest Marduk album coz they wrote some kinds of "nazi lyrics"...:err:
Do you have the same problem in your country ?? and is it prooved ?? coz i won't listen to them anymore if it's true, obviously...

It's not very hard to interpret their lyrics as pro-nazi. But what does it matter? You might unknowingly be listening to ten bands where the members have nazi sentiments. It's not like fascism is uncommon within black metal...
So it’s fine to write lyrics about death, destruction and hatred towards Christianity. Yet anything that’s even mildly racist or somehow connected to Nazism is entirety out of question.
I can understand why people that enjoy antichristian lyrics can find racist lyrics untolerable. Christianity is a mindstate and one chooses whether or not they are christian. If you are born an african american or a jew, that is not something you can ever change and you are judged for it by some for the rest of your life, regardless of what kind of person you actually are.

I hate a lot of black people and I hate a lot of aspects of black culture, especially this "gangsta" bullshit. But I hate a lot of white people and aspects of their culture too. I'm not some kind of extreme liberal but I accept that there are some black people that are unworthy of being hated simply because of their skin color.

I know everyone hates arguing over this stuff, and I'm not. I'm simply stating my opinion (one which I've actually never seen expressed here). Now all that said, I'll still listen to any NSBM or racist DM if I like the music (and I listen to quite a few of them). Funny thing is, I'd be willing to bet a lot of those bands would hate me for not sharing their same views and feel I was unworthy of enjoying their music.
Perdition's Light said:
I can understand why people that enjoy antichristian lyrics can find racist lyrics untolerable. Christianity is a mindstate and one chooses whether or not they are christian. If you are born an african american or a jew, that is not something you can ever change and you are judged for it by some for the rest of your life, regardless of what kind of person you actually are.

I hate a lot of black people and I hate a lot of aspects of black culture, especially this "gangsta" bullshit. But I hate a lot of white people and aspects of their culture too. I'm not some kind of extreme liberal but I accept that there are some black people that are unworthy of being hated simply because of their skin color.

I know everyone hates arguing over this stuff, and I'm not. I'm simply stating my opinion (one which I've actually never seen expressed here). Now all that said, I'll still listen to any NSBM or racist DM if I like the music (and I listen to quite a few of them). Funny thing is, I'd be willing to bet a lot of those bands would hate me for not sharing their same views and feel I was unworthy of enjoying their music.

I agree with you. I'd also like to add that in my opinion, its justified to hate a religion, but not justified to hate someone solely because of their race/origin.
Despite that, I still listen to Arghoslent and Nokturnal Mortum, etc. because I like the music.

EDIT: Just curious, why do you say that christianity is chosen, while judaism is not and you must be a jew for the rest fo your life? Are we talking about ethnic jews or religious ones, or what?
Melodeath said:
EDIT: Just curious, why do you say that christianity is chosen, while judaism is not and you must be a jew for the rest fo your life? Are we talking about ethnic jews or religious ones, or what?

ethnicity, in this case. chosing to follow the teachings of judaism is up to the individual.
Well you can't judge a person by his race because life is supposed to be about individualism but stereo-types by the media rules the world it seems. People need to go out and have real life experiences instead of taking the opinions of others.

Also some of the "Real" NS/Anti Chrisitian bands don't just see music as music because they truely stand by their views and put their soul into the music they make to fight the war against other races/religion etc...
Flamestos said:
Also some of the "Real" NS/Anti Chrisitian bands don't just see music as music because they truely stand by their views and put their soul into the music they make to fight the war against other races/religion etc...

What you say is completely true. This is why I said in my earlier post that such musicians would probably detest me for listening to their music without agreeing with their messages, as their music is supposed to mirror the words and feelings and be part of the collective message.

However, there is nothing stopping me listening to it for music's sake. I still appreciate it as art even if I don't agree with what it is trying to express.

This is pretty much limited to some of the extremely racist NSBM, some of which is pretty horrible anyways, purely due to the lack of musicianship (and by that I'm not referring to technicality). Antichristianity is fine by me, yes, and I embrace their messages. Racist messages do not offend me, but I can't agree with them. I hate cultures, and aspects of cultures, and people that embrace those cultures, but I can't hate an individual I've never even met because their skin is another color. This is hatred without basis, and is therefore wasted energy.
Toorop said:
in which stores?
Reminds me of a bunch of communists from Lille or something who wanted to ban an Impaled Nazarene album because of the lyrics of the song 'Total War
Winter War'.
Fnac don't want...Virgin are thinking about it but i think they're gonna refuse too.. said:
Est-ce que tu es au courant que la Fnac a failli refuser de distribuer l’album en France ?

Morgan : Ah bon ? Pourquoi ?

Il y a eu des rumeurs comme quoi il y avait des propos antisémites dans l'album !

Morgan : Quoi ? Qu’est-ce que c’est que ces conneries ? J’aimerais bien savoir ce qu’il y a d’antisémite dans notre groupe !

Je ne sais pas non plus !

Morgan : J’aimerais bien qu’ils viennent me l’expliquer. J’en ai marre de ces conneries : Marduk n’est pas un groupe d’extrême droite ! Nous avons fait des chansons sur la seconde guerre mondiale et d’autres événements sanglants par le passé, mais ça ne fait pas de nous des antisémites : ce sont des événements historiques qui ont eu lieu, et je ne vois pas ce qu’il y a de mal à faire des chansons dessus !

Je ne pense pas non plus, surtout que ce n’est pas la première fois que je discute avec toi et tu ne m’a jamais semblé particulièrement raciste…

Morgan : Bien sûr que non ! J’ai tourné aux quatre coins du monde, et je connais des gens dans des tas de pays différents. Je prends les gens pour ce qu’ils sont, et pas pour leur origine ou leur couleur de peau. Ce concept de race supérieure est une grosse connerie ! La seule chose qui compte, c’est la personnalité de chacun. Pour moi, il n’y a aucun problème de ce côté-là, ce sont les gens qui vont les chercher là où il n’y en a pas.

Pour moi aussi, cette polémique est ridicule. Mais au moins, tu as l’occasion de donner ton point de vue avant qu’il n’y ait de censure.

Morgan : Oui, bien sûr, je comprends tout à fait !

Translations of Morgan's comments include "I take people for what they are, not their origin or the colour of their skin. The concept of superior race is a huge con."
i sometimes listen to bands whose lyrics i dont agree with, and i think that (barring a few cases) people should be allowed and not banned to say and therefore sing whatever they want freely.

however, because i might like the music of bands whose message i don't approve of, i will not support them (ie, buy stuff from them) to further their causes. i reserve that for bands i agree with socially as well as musically
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